Boom Town (Part 2)

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Rho's POV

After Jack finished teasing me about being jealous the Doctor was out on a date with a murderer after having asked me on one only hours earlier I went to my room to change into some overalls and a long white tshirt so I could attempt to help Jack with whatever he was working on.

(Sidenote - ive got a whole slew of Doctor Who themed outfit ideas I can't wait to slowly start purchasing these outfits that will appear throughout this story and on my soon to be created mini web series!)

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(Sidenote - ive got a whole slew of Doctor Who themed outfit ideas I can't wait to slowly start purchasing these outfits that will appear throughout this story and on my soon to be created mini web series!)

Just like science, I wasn't very tech savy either but hey, that's what you get when you were an orphan living on the streets for most of your life. I mean, naturally I had no trouble in human school and I knew enough about tech to get by according to human standards, but when it came to alien technology or science I just failed across the board. But maybe Jack could teach me a few things? The Doctor was always in a rush to stop the latest major world disaster to be able to pause at teaching moments...


"What the hell happened in here!" The Doctor cried out in surprise when he arrived back from his dinner date.

"Sorry! Sorry! It's probably my fault! I must have touched something I shouldn't while I was messing around!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air and immediately stepping back from the console.

"Hey, no way! You were doing great, Roxy! It just went crazy! It wasn't her fault!" Jack defended me. I gave him a smile of appreciation.

"It's the rift. Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's going to disappear!" The Doctor said as he started at the monitors.

"It's the extrapolator. I've disconnected it but it's still feeding off the engine! It's using the Tardis. I can't stop it!" Jack said as he took my place at the console and tried to fiddle around with the wiring.

"Never mind Cardiff, it's going to rip open the planet," the Doctor said.

"What is it? What's happening?!" Rose cried out as she sprinted into the Tardis. She had been out on a date with Mickey. And according to Jack, our little teaching moment had counted as our "first date" since according to him, why should Rose and the Doctor get to have all the fun tonight - his words not mine!

"Oh, just little me," Margaret said as she suddenly came up behind me and I froze as I felt her alien hand wrapping around my neck.

"One wrong move and she snaps like a promise," Margaret said.

"I might've known," the Doctor said as he and Jack along with Rose stared at me with worry filled eyes.

"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it. You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet," Margaret demanded.

"No, don't do it Jack!" I said, only to start coughing halfway through as my airway was constricted as Margaret tightened her grip on my neck.

I looked over at the Doctor and could tell that he was going to cave in so I shook my head at him and glared, for all the good it did me. He nodded at Jack and he hurried to obey.

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