Chapter 26

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Diamonds POV

I really don't know what to do now. My life had somehow switched up completely from focusing entirely on missions and training to be the next best mafia boss, to boy issues left, right and centre. My relationship with Lala had been going great until recently and my feelings for Shae had been dormant until recently as well. To be honest I don't know what it was about Shae that drew me in. His good looks, deep calming voice, caring moments and vulnerability that was rarely ever seen.

I guess I do know what it was that attracted me to them.

And Lala. I don't know what was going on with us. We weren't together at the moment because of the struggles we were having being together. We'd just lost the spark we used to have and I don't understand how or why as everything had been going so well. Talking to Shae for the first time in ages felt like a huge relief. I just hope we can stay civil with each other until Sapph and I leave.

The next morning, I went downstairs for an early run but was stopped abruptly when Shae came walking giddily into the house. "Yo what's up with you?" I asked but it seemed to go unheard as he kept swaying unsteadily further into the house. "Shae are you good?" He chuckled at this but I was relieved to have got some type of response.

"So many people ask me that. It's starting to get funny now. Do you know where I just came from?" I shook my head uneasily. I didn't like where this was going. "Well I just killed someone. Don't worry he wasn't innocent. He was a disgusting boy who deserved to die without any mercy. So that's what I gave him. No mercy." He then proceeded to describe to me every detail of how he tortured the guy and by the end I was feeling so proud. He really did that. I was smiling quite a bit but what he said next made the smile completely fade from my face. "He reminds me of someone though. Someone who was very close to me. Someone who killed me a thousand times over but never really fully brought me back again."

" you wanna talk about it?"

"Lol no." Getting up he began to slowly make his way up the stairs to I'm guessing his room. After almost falling down the stairs multiple times, he finally reached his room and stumbled inside. I carefully followed behind him just in case he fell or something.

Collapsing onto his bed, he mumbled something I couldn't make out. "What did you say? Bro I can't hear you." He glared at me but spoke louder in a rushed tone.

"Please can you stay with me until I fall asleep? I mean you don't have to and you definitely don't have to stay the whole time just until I'm not awake anymore and can you also help me decorate my room today and-," I cut his rambling off and laughed softly at his panicked expression.

"Yes I'll stay and yes I'll help you. Now sleep." I smirked at him. Looking surprised that I said yes, he strips down to his boxers without warning and I quickly turn my head to the side. Now it was his turn to laugh. "You can turn back around now." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

I turned and huffed at the fact that he got one over me. An emotion was present in his eyes but I couldn't get a read on it. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he laid down and I went over next to his bed. He faced his back to me but I didn't mind much. Five minutes later he surprised me by asking, "Can you please rub my head? It helps me sleep faster." He asked in such a quiet voice that I almost missed it. Complying, I started to rub his scalp and he sighed in contempt. Barely two minutes later, and he was asleep.

During this strange encounter, I had forgotten about my morning run that I had planned to go on. I looked over to Shae. 'He'll be alright for an hour' I thought. And with that I went off to continue my plans not knowing what I would be met with when I came back.

A hour later, I strolled back into the house and made a beeline to my room to wash the nasty sweat off me. While I was moisturising my skin, I heard shouts from the room next to me. Throwing on random pieces of clothing, I bolted out of my room and into the next. What I saw made my heart shatter.

Shae was tossing about in his bed with sweat coating all his skin. "No please, don't do this, please. No! Stop but I-i" Hearing enough, I dashed over and gently tried to wake him up.

"Shae please wake up. It's only a nightmare. Shae!" He shot up and was clearly still in fear of what ever he was dreaming about. "You're okay, you're fine," I kept mumbling to him still in shock myself. Slowly he untangled himself from my arms and walked, almost in a trance, to his bathroom.

Ten minutes later, he came out and sat down beside me. He washed up and put a pair of sweats on. "Thank you. For waking me up I mean." I smiled softly seeing how he was still trembling from it.

"No problem." There was a slight pause. "You still up for room decorating ?"

He looked upwards and cracked a small smile at this, "Sure."

Going decoration hunting with Shae was probably one on the best experiences in my life. In a few hours we'd managed to break several store items, outrun many security guards ,get the items we needed then hit the fire alarm and dash. We ended up being banned from that mall and wanted in bare shops.

After the whole fiasco, we'd smoked a blunt on the edge of a cliff then driven back home to finish off the room. Shae had chosen a mostly red and a bit of black based room and I had no idea why. Finally putting the last shelf up, we stepped back and looked at our work. "I'd say your side is about a 2/10. Barely passable." He suddenly announced. I spluttered with an answer for him.

"2/10? Me? I swear you where the one who didn't know how to put the chair together lol." Rolling his eyes, he shoved my shoulder lightly and I did the same back.

"I'm gonna miss you, Gem." He admitted after minutes of silence.

"Me too Shae, me too," I whispered. We gained eye contact and for a minute it was just us and no body else. The tension was unbearable.

He brought his lips down on mine and gave me a soft kiss. So gentle some could say it wasn't even something that could count as one.

"Thanks Gem."

I was confused, "For what?"

He replied with a barely there smile gracing his face.

"More that you'd ever know."

Who do you guys prefer? Deshae or Latavious? 

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