Chapter 2.

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Tawny'Paw, Frost'Paw and Butterfly'Paw were still talking when Snake'Paw came over. "Why are you hanging out with them again?" He growled to Butterfly'Paw. "Because they're my friends." She hissed back, puffing out her chest a bit and sitting up straight, meeting his gaze. "They're filthy thunder clan, not your friends." He snapped back. "Leave me alone Snake'Paw! We aren't even friends! Why do you care about me! I can choose who's my friend and not!" She snarled back. "Because I think you should be loyal to your clan then other clans." He hissed. "But fine. I'm not going to take any blame if you betray shadow clan." He snarled, padding off. The shadow clan apprentice meowed. "He's so annoying! He acts just because he's a moon older than me he knows more and just because I am friends with cats in other clans." She hissed. "Even though hes friends with Trunk'Paw from wind clan." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

Moments later wind clan ran into the clearing, running off to meet friends. Kestrel'Tail, a wind clan warrior, rushed over to Robin'Paw's mentor, Hare'Foot. The two she-cat's were best friends since they were apprentice's. Koi'Flash, a thunder clan warrior, was speaking with Horse'Gallop, a wind clan warrior. They seemed to be discussing how hunting had been from what Tawny'Paw could hear. Quick'Paws, another thunder clan warrior was speaking with Cow'Pelt of wind clan, Tawny'Paw couldnt hear what they were saying. Water'Shade, a wind clan warrior,  was washing her paw and Owl'Beak, a thunder clan warrior, was padding over to her. Minutes later river clan came through the bushes and Lavender'Paw, Hail'Paw and Lion'Paw raced over to Tawny'Paw, Frost'Paw and Butterfly'Paw.

"Hi!" Butterfly'Paw mewed to them. "Hey!" Lion'Paw meowed. "How have you been?" He asked, sitting down infront of them next to the other two. "Ive been great!" Frost'Paw meowed. "Me too!" Tawny'Paw mewed. "Shadow clan still hasnt got much food but other from that, ive been good! At least we've got more prey than before." Butterfly'Paw mrrowed. The apprentice's chatted for a while and Tawny'Paw saw a river clan she called Icicle'Frost padding across the clearing to Red'Gem, a shadow clan tom. They exchanged kind words and then she padded back to her friends, stopping to give her mate, Sand'Patch, a lick on the ear. "Cats of all clans!" Feather'Star the wind clan leader called out around the clearing. "Its time for the gathering to begin!" The tom meowed.  Sitting on different branches of the tree were the other 3 leaders of the clans, Jay'Star of river clan, Shallow'Star of shadow clan and Beech'Star of thunder clan. "Beech'Star you may begin." Feather'Star meowed, sitting down, curling his tail around his paws. 

"Thunder clan has been great! We have no new apprentices but we have lots of prey and no cats have died during leaf-bare." Leaf-bare had only ended and luckily no cats had died of any sickness this season, just got unwell. "And Oak'Claw has retired and joined the elders." Oak'Claw, an old elder lay with elders from other clans. "Thats all I have to say." Feather'Star stood, stepping forward on his branch. "Wind clan has been good. We have plenty of prey and Otter'Tail has had a beautiful she-kit called Blizzard'Kit." He mewed. Calls of congratulations rang around the clearing even tho Otter'Tail was back at camp and taking care of her kit. "I will tell Otter'Tail you all congratulate her." The tom smiled. "Thats all from me." He nodded to Shallow'Star and she stepped forward, Feather'Star stepping back and sitting down. 

"Shadow clan is still hungry, but we have more prey than before. In the last moon we have been well. No new apprentices but we are doing okay. We have one new warrior." The clans listened in anticipation to hear which apprentice had became a warrior. Tawny'Paw looked around but no cats had their head high or their chest puffed out proudly. "A river clan tom decided that clan wasnt for him and decided to join shadow clan." She continued. "Ash'Deer is now a shadow clan warrior." She finished. The clearing fell silent, the other clans congratulating the tom. But river clan's eyes were staring at him in slits and they were silent. "You have made a great mistake, Shallow'Star." Jay'Star hissed sharply. "Why? Hes a perfect warrior." Jay'Star took a sharp breath. "Ash'Deer attempted to drown Sand'Patch because he loved Icicle'Frost and she didnt love him back and was instead in love with Sand'Patch." Jay'Star meowed loud enough for all cats to hear. River clan were all hissing at Ash'Deer. "Well thats your cat. We will give him one last chance." Shallow'Star mewed. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Jay'Star yowled. Icicle'Frost was staring at Ash'Deer and he was looking smugly at the tree, but then he met eyes with her and she ran through the clearing, leaping at him before Jay'Star yelled out. "STOP!" Icicle'Frost leapt down from the air before she reached him, skidding a little. 

"Icicle'Frost we do not fight at gatherings." He continued. "No, it is fine, I understand. Im not welcome here. Clan life wasnt really for me anyway." Ash'Deer stood and nodded to the leaders. "Ill be leaving now." He padded out of the clearing towards the bushes in the direction of the tree bridge all cats hissing at him. "Dont think about staying in our territory!"" Feather'Star hissed. "Monster! Stay away from ours too!" Beech'Star yelled down. "Your a horrible cat! Your no longer welcome at shadow clan." Shallow'Star hissed. "I will, dont worry." He padded into the bushes. "Anyway, our leader, Heather'Star sadly passed of green cough this leaf-bare and I, Jay'Star, am now the new leader of river clan." Cats of all clans dipped their heads in respect for Heather'Star. "Ash'Deer has been exiled for trying to drown one of our warriors, Sand'Patch. And Flame'Streak is now our new deputy." He continued. Calls of congratulations rang out.

 "Flame'Streak! Flame'Streak! Flame'Streak!" The cats said. "A few warriors passed onto star clan of green cough as well, Lion'Wing, Horse'Eyes and Sea'Breeze. Ginger'Prowl and Orange'Claw are now warriors and Squirrel'Heart is now Kelp'Snarl's apprentice." Cats dipped their heads in respect and then called out calls of congratulations. "Ginger'Prowl! Ginger'Prowl! Ginger'Prowl! Orange'Claw! Orange'Claw! Orange'Claw!" The cats said. "Wale'Heart is now a warrior and Golden'Paws has had 3 healthy kits, 3 beautiful she-cat's. Moth'Kit, Blue'Kit and River'Kit. Wale'Heart is the father." He finished. Calls of congratulations rang around once again, first calls of "Wale'Heart! Wale'Heart! Wale'Heart!" And then "Tell Golden'Paws I said congrats!" "Make sure Golden'Paws knows I think her kits probably look beautiful!" The clan fell silent and Shallow'Star meowed. "Is that all?" Jay'Star nodded and the other leaders did too. "Then this gathering is over. Head back to your camps." 

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