Koko X Reader Part 1

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As a bonten executive Koko had tons of jobs and responsibilities to fulfill, it wasn't rare to see him working at his laptop all night long calculating the organization's fund.

And as his wife you couldn't help but worry about his health, always telling him to eat and rest at the right time yet your words always fall deaf to his ears.

Three days, it's been that long since koko went out for a business trip and left you all alone in your apartment complex.

He wasn't answering to your messages or calls during those days, you couldn't even go out with your friends since he wouldn't allow you to, you felt very lonely and bored during those three days.

You were currently lazing around your living room watching news flash at your tv screen when you heard the front door click open.

You hurriedly ran expecting it to be koko who came home, and fortunately it was him.

"Hajime, welcome home." You greeted him with a smile and helped him take off his coat.

He gave no response to your greeting and after he took of his coat he just proceeds to his office just beside you two's shared bedroom.

You missed him so much and waited for him patiently yet he didn't even bathe an eye to your presence once he got home.

This made you frustrated and somewhat sad. You understood very well that he was doing this so you could both live a lavish life but you just wanted him to be by your side even if it's just for an hour.

You silently crept towards his office and peeked slightly through his door and saw his silhouette at his computer screen again.

You entered the room and made your way towards him.

"Hajime" you called out to him while tapping his shoulder.

He lets out a "hmm?" whilst he never took his eyes off the screen.

"You just got home, how about you take a bath first or do you want dinner?"

"No, I'm busy."

"Yes, I know. But please remember to rest. You've been working for three days straight."

"No can do, Sanzu and those damn Haitanis messed up our funds again because of their damn mistakes now I gotta clean up their mess."Koko said with annoyance lacing his voice while he scratches his head.

"But that can wait can't it?" You cooed while reaching your hands towards him.

He swatted your hands away and gave a sharp "no" as an answer.

You stood their dumbfounded as he went back to working on his computer.

You couldn't stand any of this longer, you grabbed his face and forced him to look at you.

"I'm sick of this, you're always on your fucking computer. Can't you see that I need some of your time too!! Listen to me Hajime Kokonoi...I'm just concerned about your health,I know you're working hard for our sake but please learn to take a break, please?"You burst out while holding back your tears and sobs.

"Then you shouldn't have married me in the first place besides I'm not doing this for you, It's for Akane-san! Go find a guy who can give you more time." he said with anger in his eyes.

"She's dead Koko—"

You were shocked when you felt a stinging sensation on you cheeks.

Koko was also taken aback by his actions he was about to apologise for slapping you when you pushed him away you couldn't stand being in the same room with him after what happened.

"I'm sleeping at my friend's house today. Let's both cool off our heads and talk afterwards. Goodnight."


To be continued

 𝙏𝙊𝙆𝙔𝙊 𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎Where stories live. Discover now