Enderal - Ark

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The capital: the only city, aside from Duneville, which is inhabited by over a hundred citizens. It's buildings are sturdy but not specialised in any way to resist poor weathers as it is in a rather temperate place in Enderal. This makes it ideal for travellers who are welcome in the Foreign quarter as well as providing a bustling, well-stocked market of farmers and craftsmen alike. 
The nobles district is filled with nobles who just... wonder around. Whatever nobles are supposed to do. Their stock is decent but overpriced. I won't get enough sales there.
The harbour isn't that interesting either, though the fishermen have some great stories to tell.
Giant walls and a narrow path leads up to huge doors: the sun temple. The place where Tealor Arantheal used to live.

Merchants call out from their stalls as I set up my own, just next to the smithy. Apparently another alchemist used to work here. I hope to be better.

I sit once it's all done and sip a wine. In front of me is a leather-bound journal half-filled with plans and alchemical gibberish written in Aeterna. My next course of action? Riverville.

Status: unedited

Word count: 195 words

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