Chapter 3- Baby

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As I approached my house I noticed a car in the driveway. I cursed to myself. Why is he home??
I stood outside the front door, wondering if it's worth it to go in or not. I reached out and pulled down the handle, immediately wishing I hadn't.

I opened the door and heard the TV on. Shit shit shit! I timidly stepped through the door, not knowing what to expect, yet knowing exactly what was there. I heard the groan of the couch and immediately my mind went into defense mode. I distanced my mind from the situation, being able to handle it consciously.

"What are you doing home early?" I asked, keeping my tone respectful and neutral, along with my expression. I hunched in my shoulders, not challenging the intimidating creature in front of me.

"Well I'm here to watch over the poor, sick child. Now go upstairs and 'rest' you fuck, or I'll knock your ass out myself," he threatened me. Mentally, I was already halfway up the stairs, but physically I was stuck. Move dammit! I willed my frozen body to run, but it didn't work. I frustration grow behind my eyes and looked up at the unimpressed Bill. "I wasn't joking, you know," he scoffed. "Are you challenging me kid? You know, I'm sick and tired of trying to preserve your pretty little face for the sake of you mother. I need to teach you a lesson in respect and you're not listening to a word I say. I'd expect at least a little bit of respect from my own son, but here you are, forcing me to deal with your bratty ass," he finished louder than he started.

"I-, I'm," I couldn't spit out any words. Bill grabbed me by the collar, pulling me to his face.

"You what?" He ground out, spit flying in my face. I didn't dare wipe it off. "Speak, dammit!" He swung at me without warning, smacking me in the eye. My vision turned to stars in my left eye, and I heard a rush. I didn't have any time to prepare for his next swing, hitting me just above the jaw. My teeth cut into the skin, immediately giving my mouth the familiar taste of metal. He yanked my distracted body into the room under the stairs.

I groaned subconsciously as he aimed for my gut next, shaking out his fisted hand after his swing sent me doubled over. I struggled for breath, mentally begging him to stop. His knee snapped my head up and I lost my train of thought for a minute before finding myself on the floor, crying as the bulky man above me kicked old bruises like an empty can.

I thanked the gods once the tingly, numb feeling settled over me. I felt my body jerk from the impacts but felt nothing. Slowly, I resided into unconsciousness


Waking up never gets easier. I woke up very slowly, immediately feeling a tight sensation over my left eye and jaw area. Shit. I swear if he bruised up my face.. I let out a pathetic sob as I attempted to sit up, clamping my mouth shut once I remembered who else was still home. My sides and stomach area pinched as I forced myself up. I searched my pockets and the floor for my phone, finding the cracked screen a few feet from me. I checked the time. 3:56 pm.

"Shit, shit, shit," I cried out, attempting to stand up using the wall. Instantly, I felt the blood rush through my head, threatening to take me back to the floor. No, no, no, I have to go, I'll be late.

Without another thought, I grabbed my backpack and began to head toward the address Alex had given me. I slowly closed the door, making sure to leave it unlocked so I would have a way back in. Luckily, the house was in the same neighborhood as mine, just a few blocks away. I didn't bother texting him to say I'd be late, I would rather have just apologized when I got there.

I nervously walked up to the house, double checking the address and the time. It was 4:15, not too bad. I rapped my fist against the dark wood of the door, waiting for a response. I heard a few loud footsteps before the locks were turned and the door flung open.

"You're late, you know," Alex frowned, opening the door.

"Sorry, I lost track of time," I apologized. He shrugged to my surprise and let me in. His house had a comfortable feeling, most likely stemming from the warm colored wood and warmth from a noisy heater. He lead me up the carpeted stairs and into a closed room, which I assumed was his.

"Okay, before we get started with the baby thing, what happened to your face?" he asked bluntly. I panicked and dodged his question.

"So how do we turn this thing on?" I asked, unzipping my bag and pulling out the semi-realistic plastic child. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked me up and down.

"Alright fine, don't answer," he sighed away his curiosity as I pulled out the instructions and read them to myself.

"Oh we don't need that. Instructions are unnecessary, here let me do it." He grabbed the baby out of my hands. I looked at him, confused.

"How would you know what to do without reading the instructions?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow. He sighed, obviously frustrated for whatever reason.

"Look, I just know, okay." He grunted, frowning before turning his attention to the mass amount of buttons along the baby's back under a flap he had flipped up while we were talking. He started pressing random buttons, one at a time.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" I rushed over, trying to stop him.

"Just let me do this, okay?" He slapped my hand away. He pressed another button and the baby started wailing at an incredible volume.

"Turn it off!" I said loudly over the wailing.

"I don't know how!" He yelled back.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd just looked at the instructions, dammit!" I attempted to reach for the baby, but he yanked it away.

"Stop! I'm trying to fix it, just stop!"

"No you're making it worse! Give it to me Alex, seriously!" I yanked the crying creature from his paws.

"Fucking stop it!" He slapped it out of my hands and it flew out an open door, which coincidentally had a boy standing in it.

"What the fuck?" The boy picked up the baby and pressed one button, turning off the noisy toy. "Okay what's with the yelling? I hate to be a mom right now but you guys are fighting like toddler. I mean obviously Alex started it," he flashed a smirk at Alex. "Yeah I'm just kidding, I actually give no fucks about what you guys are talking about." He walked over, tossing the baby onto my lap and sitting down on the bed as Alex stormed out.

The second Alex was out of earshot he said, "Sorry about him, actually... I'm not sorry. I bet that was entertaining."

"Yeah, especially throwing a kid. How entertaining," I said sarcastically. He let out a breathy laugh and I followed suit.

"Yeah, I have to live with that thing. We're twins, in case you couldn't already tell. Identical. What's your name?" He asked.

"Jayden. Yours?"


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