Chapter 20- swim date

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**Emily's Pov**

It's been 2 weeks and me and Hanna are going strong. Aswell as Samara and Ali, oh my god they are almost as worse as we are. But Ali is a totally different person now she's so happy

"Hey Emmy," Hanna said and kissed my cheek as she walked by.

"You ready to go?" I Ask.

Hanna goes over to her fridge and throws me a water bottle and walks over to me and gives me a soft kiss. I grinned and pull her into a hug. I love moments like this, just holding her in my arms. After We pack a bag with towels, sunscreen and extra clothes. "Morning girls where are you doing today?" Ms Marin asks.

"Emily is taking me to the beach!" Hanna said happily, "I'm going to quickly put the bags in the car." She kisses me lightly of the lips before flashing me a smile.

"So you guys are getting pretty close," Ms Marin said. Oh god please not the interrogation.

"Ms Marin you know how much I love your daughter," I told her. She laughed lightly.

"I know you do I just want to say thank you. Ever since Caleb left she's been a wreck and you've just turned it around," Ms Marin said.

"Anything for Hanna!" I Said, "uh I should probably should go I can see Hanna getting antsy in the car." We both laugh and i head to the car. I hope in and see Hanna give me the look. "What?"

"What did my darling mother want?" She asked.

"She was saying thank you that's all," I said happily. She huffed and started the car.

Throughout that drive we were singing goofly to enimen. The windows rolled down and the wind in our hair. The next song came on and we both looked at each other. It was our favorite song. I pull out my phone and see starts singing to me. "Cuz gurl you're perfect, you're always worth it, an you deserve it, the way you work it, cuz girl you earned it!" She belched out and leans forward and kisses me.

I burst out laughing. "Hey eyes on the road missy!" I Said. I continue recording her and her goofy dance moves and singing.

Another 10 minutes and we finally arrived. We get the bags out and put on our sunnies. Han had some white short shorts with a light green tank with her ray bans on. She looks smoking. I had on my jeans shorts and white tank top. We finally find a spot on the beach and set up. There's not alot of people which is nice.

"Can you put some sunscreen on my back babe?" Han askes me

"Sure," I replied. She lays on her stomach and I straddle her back and slowly untie her bikini. After I start massaging the lotion into her back and sides. Slowly dragging my hands along the side of her breasts. I gain a moan from her and I grin. I lean down and kiss the back of her neck up to her ear gaining a shiver.

"Em we're in public," she mumbled.

"I know!" I said teasingly and rolled off her. After she applied some sunscreen on me we just layed on our back and relaxed. We had a mini portable radio that was blasting music and we just interlocked our fingers. "I love you so much," I mumbled.

"I love you too babe what do you say... Go into the water?" She asked me.I smirk and take her hand. We tun into the icy cold water. I dive under the water and pop up behind her. I snake my hands around her. She jumps but turns around and jumps onto my waist. She leans in and kisses me hard. I kiss her back then dunk her underneath the water. I hear her shriek. "Emily! I can't believe you!"

"Oh but you do baby," I said teasingly.

**later that night**

**Hanna's Pov**

After our perfect date at the beach we headed back to my house to make dinner. "Hey Han and Emily how was the beach?" My mum asked.

"Amazing it was nice and hot. we got a nice tan aswell," I said happily and poured some juice for Em.

"So what are you up to now?" She Asked.

"we were planning on making dinner then a camp out at the peek of Rosewood," Emily said. I wrap my arms around her neck from behind and kiss her cheek. I'm glad my mum couldn't care less. She's got a grin the size of her face.

"I love you," I whisper into her ear. She blushes wildly and mouths it back to me.

"Well I'll let you two be," My mum says and gives us another smile before grabbing her purse and coat and leaving. As the door turned around I look over at Emily who is sitting on the counter on her phone.

I walk inbetween her legs and she wraps them around me. I place my hands on her inner thigh and she groans. "Don't tease," she huffed out. I smiled and lean in and kiss her. Emily wraps her arms around me and pulls me close. I break from the kiss and start to trail down her neck to her collarbone leaving a painful pink bruise. Her hands rise up my shirt and stops under my breasts.

"Hi gi-uh sorry forgot my papers," I hear behind us. We quickly detached from each other. Our faces are bright pink.

"Muuum!" I Groan.

"Oh Emily your poor neck," my mum said and she obviously saw the hickey which has turned from dark pink to purple. Emily's face went deeper red.

"Muuum," I groaned again.

She throws her hands up in defeat and grabs the paper and walked out. "God that was so embarrassing!" Emily said and hid her face in my shoulder. I go inbetween her legs and leans into kiss her but she stops me. "No not after what just happened! Let's start making dinner!"

**after dinner**

After our very romantic dinner consisting make out and eating. We pack our bags and the tent. Emily drove to the peek of Rosewood and we set up the tent. Well Emily set it up for us. "Okay everything is set up," Emily said and opened the tent. I crawl in and see a few glow sticks hanging from the top. A blow up bed that has a few pillows. "What do you think?"

"Where do I sleep?" I ask her.

"Of course with me!" She laugh out and pull her in. We change into our sweat pants and pile 3 blankets ontop of us and cuddle into each other.

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