kasane randall

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jason lucian x kasane randall

this happen after the events of the game

is they wedding day

today is the wedding day of jason and kasane as both jason,kyoka and seto platoons were an the main lobby

yuito:congrats for you day

jason:yeah still.i..

seto:you nervous do you

jason:well this is my first wedding soo

kagero:i sure you be fine

jason:speaking for experience

kagero:yeah you been fine

shiden:i sure you get use to it after you have to do the same with the rest of girls

jason:...yeah..i kinda suprise about how she decide to choose the harem idea

gamma:well naomi and hanabi do the same with you yuito 

yuito:*blush*y yeah that is right

jason:still where is nagi and luka?

seto:oh nagi got an trouble and luka go with him don't worry once he done luka can teleport it here

jason:all right

with the girls

naomi:congrats sis!


arashi:you nervous are you

kasane:i am

kyoka:i sure you been fine

kasane:yeah say that again when is you turn to married

kyoka blush

naomi:still suprise you choose the harem idea

ciel:yeah never see that coming and more you from you

kasane:well if sister and hanabi can share yuito why not us with jason

tsugumi:that is an good point

sinon:still is gonnad be weird

orie:but i sure is better than fight over him

miying:true but still*pout*i still want to be the first and now i end the last he have to married

tsugumi:we choose fairy by the sticks

arashi:jeje guess you got unlucky

alice:jeje looks like hey we should see the dress you buy

kasane:all right


nagi arrive to the living room

nagi:hey guys sorry i been late

jason:is okay how you been with emesta

nagi:jeje she and i gooin good after we start dating

jason:yeah i can see that that girl seems you type

nagi:oh right jason there is two people who want to see you

jason:huh? who

nagi:i take you to then luka is talk to then

jason follow nagi as he fin thoses two people as jason gasp

jason:n no way...it can't be

the two people look at jason as he knew who they are

the two people look at jason as he knew who they are

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