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Never did I think when I met my mate and we had our wedding that I would hate the wedding night but it happened.

 I changed out of my dress and showered before I went to bed. which wasn't how I thought my wedding night would go with my mate.

 It was very late in the might early hours of the morning before Jax came home from the battle or fight with the rogues. 

I didn't know that he was there till  I woke in the middle of the night to move around a bit before I went back to sleep.

Now here we are two nights after and nothing has occurred in form of him making it up to me for the shitty wedding night. we've not made love, we've hardly kissed and we don't touch each other hardly.

It's as upsetting as it sounds.

So while he keeps himself busy with whatever he's been doing I've handled things that a luna is supposed to or what I think needs my attention.

"I guess we aren't meant to have pups Ze," I tell her as I sit alone in the bathtub soaking after a long hectic, and tiring day.

"don't give up hope," she says

"what's to hold on to when my own mate spends more time in his office or far from me?" I asked

she sighed knowing what I was saying was the truth. 

I climbed out started drying off.

When I went to talk the bathroom door opened and in walked Jax. he stared at my nude form giving Ze slight hope of him making a move but he turned right back around and left just as fast if not faster than when he arrived.

"Sorry Ze," I tell her

She whined and went to the back of my mind while I dried off and got dressed I walked out of the bathroom and Jax walked past me not uttering a word and avoided touching me like I was a plague or something diseased.

I walked in and shut the door behind me making a now nude Jax jump. and go to cover his body but I saw the love bites and hickies as well as handprints.

"So you cant make love to me your wife but you can fuck whores and other pieces of shit?" I asked getting pissed

"I'm sorry," he says

"No your not but trust me, Jackson, by the time I'm done you will be" I say then I unlocked the door and stormed out.

I am a pissed off luna on a mission and not a damn wolf better get in my way or I'll plow their asses down and continue on.

I gathered every single one of the female wolves Jaxon fucked just by his smell lingering on them and I took them to the cells where I cuffed them with wolves bane laces silver. I of course was smart and not touch it as I did so. 

When I finished I locked the door and kept the key so no one could come free them or try to help them escape.

When Jackson tried talking to me and "explaining" his reasoning or whatever I blew him off and went to deal with other matters.

His wild loving mate (Short story) (completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora