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(Shouto's POV-ish?)

•Shouto finds his way home after an exhausting day of training, only to be met by his father..•

Enji stares into his son's eyes with something that feels to Shouto like a mixture of anger and.. disappointment.

"...I heard that you passed out during training today."

Maybe If you'd stop overworking me every day I wouldnt be passing out, is what Shouto wants to say, but, in truth, he's terrified if his father and what he can do. Maybe he would sneak out again that night.. yeah, that sounds pretty nice.. "Yeah.. maybe I didnt eat enough?", he half lied.. he didnt eat anything that day. Just to spite his father. He was really hungry.

Shouto ducked out of the way, past his father, sprinted up the stairs, and whipped out his phone. He would text Yayorozu. She's the only one he told about his.. situation. Somehow,  he felt like he could.. really open up to her. Like she was just.. a friend. He always thought of her as friend-shaped.

He opened his contacts and clicked on Yayorozu's as he walked into his bedroom.


Thursday, October 25th

4:42 PM

hey, Yayorozu?


Think I can stay at your place tonight? My dad's still an asshole and I don't think he'll stop any time soon..

Plus he found out I fainted during training

Yeah, sure! I've got nothing to do anyways


So I'll see you in a few hours I guess?



Shouto slumps backwards onto his bed, groaning from the absolutely gigantic headache he has.

Gotta pack...

He rolls put of bed with yet another groan and grabs an empty backpack he keeps in his closet for his 'late night adventures'

He fills the bag with a pair of underwear, a neatly folded extra uniform, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and advil for his headaches. He pops a few. He takes shoes and socks as well.

Shouto has no window In  his room to sneak out from, since he was caught one night. He hot home from school the next day to find drywall in place of his window and a sticky note that read: Don't sneak out again. -Father

He doesn't like listening.

He went downstairs to find Enji in the living room, asleep on an armchair. The best scenario Shouto could've imagined. Now, all he has to do is be quiet.
Word count: 403

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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