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I was sure that both arms were dead. When Jody untied my right hand, it looked like a giant bruise and blood rushed painfully back to the limb. It took everything in me not to cry. It was late morning. Normally, clean-up was a crew of four people, all of whom could use both hands. However, when they arrived, Jody immediately dismissed them. A job that should take under an hour took me until lunch.

I didn't finish, but Jody cut me loose so she could focus on preparing the meal.Jody literally had to cut the fabric from around my swollen wrist.

I hurried out, anxious to leave that horrible place. Normally I would have asked about breakfast, but I knew there was no chance. As quickly as I could, I headed straight for home. Once inside, I carefully began to examine my wounds. Normally I would have gone to the clinic, but something told me that I should avoid all people today. I couldn't imagine how the day could get worse, but that was not a question I wanted to entertain. The sun had come up on a chilly day. Shouting down the hill indicated training exercises had started. 

I sat down for a few minutes on the edge of my cot, dangling my head. Two days. Surely, I would shift before then. Then, they would all see what a mistake they made. I stood up, even as my body urged me not to, screaming for me to rest. Flicking on the bathroom light, I hissed when I saw myself in the mirror.

My right hand had largely turned back to its normal color, but my wrist was bruised. My shoulder was in incredible pain, but it looked okay, if not swollen. I had to figure out a sling, at least for tonight. A huge bruise starting at my shoulder and crossing my back formed from where I had landed on the table.

I would shift and finally get some justice. I just had to shift.

Right as I finished applying a gauze pad to the burn on my forearm, a voice speaker phone echoed over the camp.

"Attention Redwood Pack. Your attendance is required at the meeting house in five minutes. Five minutes in the meeting house. Third lunch shift will begin fifteen minutes late."

What was with Redwood and five minutes? Five minutes to change. Five minutes for a meeting. Why not a cool half hour?

My heart lifted a little. It was mandatory attendance, which meant everyone would be there. If I could connect with Berry, I might be able to get a sling from the clinic. I dressed quickly in a long sleeve, lightweight black dress. Tossing a navy-blue cap over my braided hair, I headed out. Stray strands were bursting out from the braid, but the thought to braiding them again made my arms ache. There were crowds funneling toward the door like a stream rushing over rocks. The fighters were just ahead of me, and I caught a couple of their eyes. Some looked at me with thinly veiled excitement and others with cruelty. They were excited for the Hunt.

There will be no Hunt. I will shift before then. I'll shift. I'm just a late bloomer. Late bloomers still bloom.

I spotted Berry and quickly jumped into the flow of people. A few people around her walked faster once I joined, but most gave me a friendly smile. Clinicians. Bless them.

I nudged Berry, and she turned to me with a bright smile. "Hey!" she exclaimed, looking up under my baseball cap to confirm who it was, and hugged me. I immediately winced as my shoulder jostled, and she retracted. "Again?" she asked in shock. I nodded. The crowd stopped as it bottle-necked at the door. She began to roll back my sleeve, but I stopped her. I took her hand and gently placed it on my shoulder. Her eyes widened. "Come to the clinic. Let me help," she said and began to pull me back against the crowd.

I shook my head firmly.

"The alpha doesn't have to know," she said passionately. One of the fighters turned and looked at us suspiciously. He was incredibly handsome and very tall. And intimidating. She stiffened. She was a relatively high-ranking werewolf. She could sense and diagnose injuries with only a touch to a wounded area. But, with omega parents, even that wonderful of a gift only made her an epsilon. Yet, an unmated epsilon could still face punishment for stepping out of line. I shook my head.

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