VII - The Hoen Park

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The school wasn't that boring. There are heroes whom you can train with, and the trio had fun fighting with them. 

Their control, speed, and strength were great already and they only need some experience and some improvements to their overall strength.

At the end of the day, the quirk ranking, where an individual's quirk is registered, will be ranked based on their overall performance, placing the trio the rank 1. On the other hand, Jamie, Vincent, Salvio, and Jack were all ranked 2. They're also powerful, but they lack speed and strength.

"Where are we going now?" Shoto asked while holding his black skateboard. Izuku has his blue skateboard, while Katsuki owned the red one.

"The Hoen Park. It was a Japanese Park! That's also where we could freely do anything with our skateboards~." Jamie replied.

Even if the trio just met them for two days, he already knows their personality. Jamie was the loudest and the friendliest among them. Vincent was a quiet one, he only speaks when he needed to. Salvio was a serious-type guy and Jack likes teasing other people, he is also friendly like Jamie.

"Hoen? The Japanese Park?" Izuku whispered. 

"Yes. We don't know much about Japanese, but we only know that this park was created in September 1135, the beginning of the Japanese's Hoen era." Salvio said with a nod.

"Eh~... I didn't hear or learn anything about it..." Izuku loved reading books, but he haven't heard of this park at all.

"Well, I hope that those bastards weren't there..." Jack heavily sighed.

"Who're those bastards?" Katsuki asked.

"Ah--they're the kids in the same age as us from another hero training school. They're annoying..." Jamie furrowed his eyebrows. The trio could clearly feel his irritated emotion. They could clearly sense that Jamie hated 'those bastards,' and he doesn't want to meet them.

"Well, come on~, don't mind them already! Based on your expressions, they're pretty annoying, but don't let them provoke you~!" Izuku wanted to make the mood brighten at least a little bit. 

All four of them nodded and sighed, they also doesn't want to deal with them, so they just thought of what Izuku said. Izuku "That's true. It's your first time here, let's have fun!" Jamie said with a broad smile on his face.


The park was vast and it was almost similar to a forest, and it was very comforting here. 1/3 of the park was called the Hoen Skatepark, and that's where we began playing with our skateboards. 

It was fun until—

"Aren't these the sons of those heroes from four years ago?" An annoying voice of a boy sounded through their ears.

When Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto heard that voice, they know that it was the person that Jamie's group hated. But they couldn't help but get curious about what the boy just said.

"Brian, you're too getting ahead of yourself! Our parents were dead already, stop using their name when provoking us!" Vincent shouted. It was a rare sight for Vincent to speak or express anger. 

'Dead? All we know was that all in class 3-1 has a connection to heroes, so we concluded that they might be related to a hero. Don't tell me that their parents were heroes and on top of that, deceased?' Shoto inwardly thought. He looked at the boy who spoke badly of Jamie's group. He has black hair and red eyes, similar to a wolf's. He also has three more friends beside him, smirking like an idiot who thinks of themselves as higher than Jamie's group.

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