Anything for you

807 39 16

(Originally posted on Ao3)

I finally finished the art lol

This fic has been sitting completed in my drive for months now, so it feels nice to post it at last.

It was mostly a chance to see how I could incorporate my art into my fics, as it's something I'd like to try out more often.

Anyways, hope you enjoy. :)

[Credit for cover art: Me lol]

(Disclaimer: I do not own Genshin Impact nor its story/characters. This fic is purely for entertainment purposes.)


"An excellent layout, top-of-line apparatus, high-quality biochemical materials, and authentic Mondstadt textbooks. I must say, I'm impressed."

Aether scratched his arm in a nervous gesture, anxiously waiting for Albedo's final verdict, "So...?"

The alchemist circled the lab once more before halting in front of the cuihua bookshelf, a hand placed on his hip and nodding in approval, "Yes, this is more than sufficient to carry out my research. I imagine Sucrose will be thoroughly pleased as well."

Aether breathed out a sigh of relief, the tension he didn't know he held fading. He was worried that Albedo would've found the alchemy laboratory Aether had painstakingly put together to be less-than-perfect, but fortunately, the alchemist appeared satisfied with the result. Albedo threw an inquisitive glance his way, "I can't help but wonder, how were you able to...?"

The traveller couldn't help but sheepishly avert his gaze, partly due to the scrutiny of Albedo's curious gaze and in part to the embarrassment of how much work it did take.

Aether rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh, uh, I just had some help, that's all."

That was an understatement.

"In any case, I'm glad you like it," the traveller addressed Albedo with a reassured smile on his lips.

In truth, Aether was more than glad; he was elated. He'd been incredibly grateful (and a little overwhelmed) to Madame Ping and the other adepti for their generosity. Though it felt a bit much, he was not one to complain about having an entire realm to call his own. The little teapot was rather barren at first, with only his mansion and one isle. Aether also felt quite lonely, even with Paimon accompanying him and chatting with him until the sun set.

Ever since Tubby had gifted him with the Realm Dispatch, however, his solitary teapot had rarely been quiet. Aether had gotten his fair share of visitors who would stop by his realm and make themselves at home, some of which Aether warmly welcomed, others considerably less so (a certain Fatui Harbinger came to mind). With his numerous friends came the equally numerous furnishing requests: a Wanmin-style kitchen for Xiangling, a weapon foraging station for Bennett, a hilichurl replica camp for Sucrose, and so on. Of course, Aether obliged to nearly every wish, simultaneously eager to spruce up his teapot while also pleasing the many companions he'd made along the way.

Anything for you | Genshin Impact [Aether x Albedo]Where stories live. Discover now