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i trudge down the street, my clothes getting more and more soaked by the second. i stop as i wait for the cars to drive by so i can cross. after crossing i finish my 'journey' to the small coffee shop that i work at, this being my first day.

i take a deep breath before entering the shop. the guy standing behind the counter breaks his attention from his phone before looking at me. i walk over as his gaze is still set upon me. i stand in front of the counter waiting for him to speak first.

he puts on a forced smile, "hello, what can i get you?" he asks.

"actually, i'm here for my job?" i say questioningly, am i at the wrong place?

"oh, you're dan howell, right?" he asks.

"yep, thats me."

"great, just wait here, i'll get the manager," he tells me and walks to, what i'm guessing is, the back room.

a few moments later he walks out with a guy behind him, who is slightly taller then him.

the guy, which is probably the manager, smiles at me, "hello, dan, i'll be showing you the ropes and then you can get to work, okay?"

i nod before answering, "alright."

he lifts up the board, which lets me behind the counter so i can follow him.

he shows me every part of the small coffee shop and what jobs are done there. he says that i will be working in the back room; where all the supplies are. i just have to sort the stuff out for the first week and a half, i can then work at the cash register.

i'm not exactly 'excited' for this new job, but i need money to pay for my new apartment.

the manager gave me an apron and a name-tag with my name on it, obviously. another guy who works in the back, PJ, as i learnt that was his name, is teaching me how to sort the stuff out. there isn't much to know, just which piles to put each thing into.

i learnt PJ is a pretty cool guy, he gave me a few laughs, i haven't laughed this much for some time now. we exchanged numbers before my shift was over.

just as i left the shop it starts raining again. just my luck. i sigh as i stick my hands in my pockets and begin my walk home.

omg i don't know how coffee shops work or shops in general this is probably wrong i'm sorry

but this is still pretty good if i say so myself :D

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