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i couldn't sleep, not a wink. i tried though, i tried so hard to sleep. but, i couldn't. usually, usually i can sleep, but tonight i couldn't, no matter how hard i tried.

i check the time on my phone, 6:27 am. i groan, i start work in less then three hours. im going to be tired, probably cranky.

maybe i can have a coffee and ill be okay?

pfft, no. that won't work.

i get out of bed and head to my small kitchen. i look through all my cupboards to find a single coffee cup that is clean. i should probably wash my dishes, and everything else that isn't clean in my apartment. which is everything.

i put a small teaspoon of coffee into my mug and three teaspoons of sugar. i switch the kettle on and wait for it to boil. i check my phone, maybe someone tried to contact me?

nope, no one.

i guess my family really are fed up with me after all.

i hear the kettle finish boiling and pour it into my mug. i go to my fridge to grab milk, only to realise that i only have a tiny bit of milk, just enough to add to my coffee. but i also need to go shopping. i need to do a lot of things, i suppose.

i pour the milk into my coffee, thankful that i didn't have to have a black coffee, since id burn my tongue and then complain about it all day.

i sit on my counter and drink my coffee, mainly because i haven't bought any chairs yet. i quickly drink my coffee and put it in the small pile of dishes in the sink.

when i get home i will clean my apartment. maybe. probably not though.

i go back to my room to get changed. i pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and a fully black shirt. i quickly change out of my pyjamas into the clothes i chose.

i lay down on my bed, hoping to fall asleep, even though i'm wearing jeans.

my phone starts ringing and i'm confused as to who the hell is calling at almost 7am.

i grab my phone off my bed side table and see that chris is calling.

"hey!" his northern accent chirps. he sounds happy.

"hello," i reply.

"did i wake you up? sorry."

"no no, its fine, i've been awake for a few minutes anyway," i shrug, even though he can't see me.

"so how ya new job? PJ told me you broke the coffee machine," he chuckles.

"yeah i- wait, you know PJ?" i ask, confused.

he chuckles "yeah, i know PJ."

"oh, cool," i mumble.



"you said something?"

"what, no i didn't."

"okay? anyway i was wondering do you wanna hang out after you finish work?" he asks.

"i have to go shopping for food, but after that, yeah of course," i smile.

"cool, well gotta go seeya, dan."

"bye," i say just before he hangs up.

i get off my bed, once again checking the time, 7:15 am.

i go out to my small lounge room, turning on the tv and wii. i decide to play mario cart by myself for an hour or so.

filler because im too lazy to write an actual chapter.

but im so excited because im starting a new school in just over a week. :)

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