The Haunted House

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The Haunted House

"This is ridiculous," Rory complained, trailing after her mom and pulling the top which kept riding up, down. 

"Oh now, come on, you agreed," Lorelai Gilmore the second smirked over her shoulder.

"What's wrong with toffee apples and handing out candy? Sitting on the couch watching scary movies and hiding our faces in the cushions? Huh? It's tradition and we like tradition," Rory said, frowning. People dressed in many different weird and wonderful costumes walked the same way they did, towards the stupidity instead of away from it. 

"I think someone's scared," her mom teased, waiting a beat for Rory to catch up with her and linking their arms togerher. 

"This is the part of the horror movie where everyone sitting at home watching is screaming, no don't do it. Turn back, save yourselves! Somewhere, two women are sat on a sofa throwing popcorn at the screen as they watch us do this, shouting at the dumb broads," Rory pointed out. 

"So now we're in the Truman show?" Her mom chuckled. "In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight."

"That sounds very ominous considering," Rory said with a shudder. 

"Come on now, this will be fun," her mom cajoled, making her walk quicker towards their destination. 

"You said that about the last one," Rory said deadpan. "And you had nightmares all week."

Mother and daughter had decided for the month of October they would visit the best haunted houses that they could find on the internet. They had all gone into a hat and for the last two weekends they had visited a freaky one in Maine, that had been scary but also lulled them into a false sense of security. They had screamed a little and laughed a lot. Then they'd visited one in Texas, one word 'dolls'. Nightmares had been had, the screams they'd shrieked had been real. And now… despite Rory suggesting that this was a bad idea and Candy Apples were better. Here they were in North Carolina, not only visiting a haunted house but also had paid to do the terrifying maze outside as well. Rory had no problem with going back to the hotel and forgetting the whole thing. 

"Okay, but what are the chances of there being more of those creepy dolls? I mean really?" Her mom asked as they cued up to enter. Rory could hear screams rolling out of the house in front of them. A shiver of fear already made it's way down her spine. She did not want to do this. Every part of her was screaming that this was a bad idea. 

"And if there are?" Rory asked as they stepped closer to the double oak doors that squealed when they opened and banged ominously behind each group that entered. 

"Then you can do the I told you so dance," her mom said, tugging Rory another three steps. 

Rory swallowed as her mom handed their tickets to a grinning clown. Clowns. Not even an IT clown, those she could deal with but like the clown she'd had for a birthday party, where the cops had ended up being called. Freaky ass clowns. 

The clown bowed them towards the door - after checking to see if they'd signed the disclaimer- and Rory gripped her mom's arm that much tighter. 

With a loud squeal the oak doors opened slowly into pitch black. Her mom grinned widely as she pulled them into the darkness. 

The doors slammed shut behind them leaving them in pitch black. Rory couldn't see a thing. Whispers started around them, echoing around the room. The whispers got louder as Rory stepped away from the door, taking her mom with her. The hair on the back of her neck rose as she felt something move behind her. Just as she was about to turn back to the door and pound on it till the freaky ass clown let her out, another door opened. No light entered the room but the next room was lit a bright, harsh white. 

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