Chapter 1

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Hi guys it's been a while sorry to keep you waiting. Here it goes

15 years ago:

Jason - where are you?
Jason - I can hear you giggle. You know?

Alexia-I know
Jason - *screams*

Just at this moment someone entered the room.

Mrs Willson-Darling, we have to go home dad is waiting

Alexia - 5 more minutes pls

Mrs Willson - No its the 4th time you asked me for this.

Alexia - pls it's the last time I swear! Pls?

Mrs Willson - I'm so sorry but we have to go home

Alexia - Aww! See you next time. I guess

Jason - see you tomorrow!


Jason - Bye

When Alexia left there was an awkward silence, them Jason started to ask himself does he only love Alexia as a friend?

Present day:

Alexia pov:

Alexia - shit I'm late!!
How can I present myself.? Hi, I'm Alexia I'm 20 years old. I'm pretty tall I'm a red headed girl with green eyes. I work with my mom and my dad at Willson & Co. I mean I work sometimes. I am now attending Oxford University. I'm in my 3 year. My best friend is Aimie Downson, she is my roommate too. Before my best friend was Jason Grogan but something happened 13 years ago, kinda personal but anyway. I'm a huge fan of stranger things and Harry Potter. I'm now heading to Oxford where I'm pretty sure my bestie is waiting, it's been 2 months we didn't see each other. We had lock down because of the covid 19 but I'm pretty sure she is going to hug me like they're weren't any viruses

Alexia - Good morning mom
Mrs Willson - Dear God you are late?
Alexia - I know

Alexia phone beep

                     *New message *
                         The shawty

                     *New message *                         The shawty

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter 1

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter 1. I'm going to update as soon as I can (I'll try). Bai bai(ily💕)

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