All This Time

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Hey everyone! Here is a story that just popped into my head as I was watching an awesome amv!

The song that will be in this fic is "All This Time" by : Britt Nicole. She has full credit for the amazing song. And the amv I watched was by : xgodofwar2fan02x. I also don't own Fairy Tail (sadly). But I do own this amazing plot ;D!!! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to R&R please. Thanks for the reviews on my previous fan fics. I hope your having a wonderful summer. Enjoy :) - FanTween18

I remember the moment, I remember the pain. I was a girl, but I grew up that day. Tears were falling. I know you saw me.

"Mommy!" Lucy sobbed as she stood in front of the tall stone. Poor Lucy was crying her heart out in front of her mothers grave. Layla Hearfilia's grave to be exact.

"Why did you leave!" she cried, tears where pouring from the poor girls eyes. She couldn't describe the pain of losing her mother. The blond felt like a million knifes were being stabbed into her. She couldn't take it, she wanted to die. She would rather give up than continue a pointless life.

'I cant be like this. I have to keep going! I must grow up and mature so I can be of some use to my father.' she thought as she cried harder

The small Hearfilia didn't even notice when a bike rode by and stopped in front of her. On the red bike sat a small boy about Lucy's age with pink hair and a white scarf. He stared at her and felt his heart ache, he hated to see someone cry, or hurt. The pink-ett wanted to ask what was wrong but he couldn't, and before he was brave enough to go up to her a maid from the Heartfilia manor came to drag Lucy away.

"Miss Lucy if you stay out here in the rain, you'll get a cold." the woman began

"Your father requires you to go back indoors." she finished.

"Yes ma'am" Lucy replied turning around with tears still flowing. She immediately noticed Natsu and froze. 'Had he been watching the whole time? When did he get there?' she asked herself as the maid grabbed her hand dragging her away.

Hiding there in my bedroom, so alone. I was doing my best, trying to be strong. No one to turn to. That's when I met you.

Lucy was now fifteen, she was siting in her room crying again. It had been ten years, ten! Since her mother had passed away, and now her father had committed suicide. She didn't have anyone anymore. She was all alone now, for sure! "I have to be strong, for Mama and Papa. I have to.." she began, before finally braking down. "I'm all alone, I have no one!" she screamed to herself.

XXTwo Weeks LaterXX

Lucy Hearfilia had moved in with her Aunt by now. She lived in Magnolia and was gonna go back to school that same Fall. The blond was going to go to a school called "Fairy Tail High". She was sitting on a small swing at an abandoned park, very old and rusty. The only thing you could hear from her were small sobs.

As the pink-ett walked by he heard the soft cries and remembered the blond angel from ten years ago. He wanted to help this time, who ever this was he wanted to make the person feel better, so he followed the sobs to the swing set. On the left swing sat a girl his age. She had blond hair tied into two pig-tails, a pink t-shirt, and jean shorts.

When she heard the foot steps she looked up and gasped. ' Was this him? The same boy who saw her crying ten years ago?'she thought"

You." he whispered in awe. They stayed like that for a while, staring at each other with wide eyes.

Finally Natsu regained his senses and spoke, "Its you the girl I saw ten years ago, the girl that was crying in the rain.". Lucy continued to stay quiet and looked down at the ground sobbing lightly as she bit her lip.

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