Chapter 15

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It's frustrating, really.

So much talent, so much hardwork, yet these damn universities only want money from you as an expense for you to keep studying at their place.

Japan is offensively greedy and Bakugo despises it.

He doesn't even know how to cope with and let this anger out. He can't do it on the teachers or principle here unless he wishes to get expelled.

The admission fees were too expensive to pay and he's studied here for 6 months now but what he had saved for studying here is coming to an end.

He has to do something because he can't leave his university despite it being so expensive. It's one of the best in the world, best in Japan and he's always dreamt of studying here ever since middle school. And he's still as passionate and keen on keeping his education continuing till the end.

A job?? He can't get a job. He's too busy. If he wants to continue getting the top grades and being the top student, he cannot get a job. Besides, working at a restaurant or being a bartender at a club won't pay him much or as much as he needs. And Babysitting is out of question.

He can't borrow a loan either because he has no job and as a result, no bank would rely on him to pay off any loan.

He needs to do something that'll allow him to earn and study somehow at the same time.

He's smart because the idea comes to his mind fast. Unfortunately, he hates it. A sugar baby.

That's the only way out. That'll pay him more and if he can find someone willing to pay him in advance for a year straight instead of monthly payments then it would settle all his problems.

But the problem is his pride and his personality in general. Too much pride, he has too much pride to let someone give to him because he has issues receiving things. Despite being kinda cheap, he would rather give than take because his ego is his most prominent trait.

Then there's the question of 'will his "sugar daddy" have the ability of tolerating his anger and impatience.' Not that the question crosses Bakugo's mind, he doesn't think/know he has anger issues and believes he's absolutely calm and rational.

Lastly, there is absolutely no way he's a sub. The idea of that makes Bakugo extremely uncomfortable and weirds him out. It's in his nature to dominate. He has too much ego and would be annoyed having someone take care of him in bed or even out of bed. In addition to that, he's a "my way or the high way" type of guy.

Maybe and hopefully he can charm someone into being on the submissive side of the bed.

God, life is hard.
Before attempting to find a sugar daddy, he goes for a walk at a quiet place to scream his anger and frustration out.

He's still frustrated as hell but that still helped calm his nerves a little.

When he visits a few sites, he's a little surprised by how many people are in for a deal. People are too kinky. Bakugo thinks that's probably why people are reading this book.

The deal of a sugar baby and sugar daddy doesn't always require sexual encounters in it. The experience itself is based on dating only but you can earn more through deals that lead to bed.

He looks into more than 50 profiles, because even if he's impulsive at times, he's just as cautious at other times.

He finds some guy who looks reliable enough. He seems nice and considerate judging by his bio and the way he uses his words. Other than that, the bio looks well thought out which could be an indicator that the man may be responsible, thoughtful and careful. Reliability is important in deals like this and this man looks reliable.

Bakugo sighs and messages him. He studies until he hears a notification.

The man responded to him. After they chat a little, Bakugo decided to make further decisions face to face.

They meet up at a cafe and discuss things in a more detailed manner. Bakugo asks if he's willing to pay for a year in advance and the man tells him if it goes well the first month.

Bakugo doesn't hate that. It proves that the gentleman is cautious.

Bakugo also raised questions on what could he offer for the man to pay more and the man told him if they could live together. He will drop Bakugo to his university during the morning and pick him up later for convenience.

They decide to start dating after a few days as new month begins prior to that.


A few days later

It's not that bad. So far, they've been on 3 dates and it's not as bad as Bakugo anticipated it to be. The dude doesn't push Bakugo out of his comfort zone in any way. He's calm and collected, mannered and nice.

Bakugo doesn't mind talking to him. It's kind of 'chill' in a way. Plus, he also gets tips and more information on running a business from him as he is a shareholder of a major business in the city.

Bakugo only gets a little uncomfortable when the man puts his hand on Bakugo's shoulder or attempts hugging him. It's overly odd to him and he stiffens up. What's odder is the fact that his memory of hugging Kirishima comes alive when this man hugs him.

6 months have passed since he began university. He wonders how Kirishima must be doing. Maybe he'll call him some time soon. He hasn't been doing a good job at being a good friend but he's been quite busy to be honest and hasn't had much time to do much.

After a few dates, Bakugo decides that living with this man would be the best solution for now. He needs more money.

So they come to an agreement and they decide to move into a luxury hotel.

Fate had other plans for Bakugo unfortunately. He doesn't know a surprise awaits him there.
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Yes the surprise is Kirishima, who ends up getting pretty jealous seeing Bakugo with someone else🙈

Spoiler alert umm, his jealousy will push him to pursue Bakugo into sugar dating him:)

But anyways^^
I hope u enjoyed and have a wonderful day:> ❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💙💙💙

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