The Next Twelve Years

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                  Chapter X
        The Next Three Years

     The next three years would be intense with my mom. She was just getting worse and now hibernating for months at a time in my dad's room. Only to come out and scream at me about anything she could. Of course she waited until my dad was gone. My husband at the time was a heavy drinker, she took advantage of that. I would fight with her for buying him beer in trade for cold and allergy meds. She had grown a nasty habit to over the counter cold meds and stuff now as well.
     Due to my husband's drinking when we did talk, he had trouble even remembering something that took place. It made it hard to discuss anything with him, because he couldn't remember things straight. However I did confide in him that I thought she was possessed. He knew clearly her meds were the issue. That he could clearly see. Difference is I knew it was paranormal. He still refused to believe me. It never showed itself to my husband. My father forget it. He could see a ghost slap him and throw him across the room and not believe it happened to him.
     She had an episode one night while my dad was gone of course. Barreling into the living room, this woman was so angry my son was sick. From his friend. Problem was any time we got his shots he was sick. My baby was sick constantly and had eczema from the vaccines. She blamed me. My husband was blown away when she woke him up chasing me down. I was trying to feed the cats and I had splashed cat food all over her. She lunged. My husband held her back. I grabbed baby to get free to see her punch my husband and get free to come after me. I set my son in his seat and swung to protect us both. We ran out of the house.
     In 2010 I had made a prediction similar to one I made on 9/11. The medical industry was going to set the world into chaos with in ten years. Unlike my family. I knew things they just did not. I had also been digging up information about my mother's medications, and my sons booster shots. Since I was a little older I knew the internet before social media. I was good at researching things. I could put a college grad to shame. Plus I am intuitive and have a knack at figuring out fact from fiction.
     When my son was almost three things would change. My husband had two seizures in one day because he didn't have a drink. He also caught pneumonia from the heavy drinking. When he had come home from the hospital, we could all sleep. Except me. I felt the presence of the shadow man at my bedroom door. The door was at the foot of my bed next to our fan. I felt it block the air from the fan as it walked by.
     I popped my head up. I knew it was this thing again. I caught it as it rounded the bed to bend over my husband. I have to remind the reader that I never saw him fully other than when I was four. After that I used my mind's eye to deal with it in shadow form. It's why the demon hated me. Because I could see it and no one else could even sense him. I stared in it's direction, until it noticed me glaring. It took off through my closet back into my dad's room with my mother. This was when she would start to become homicidal.
     My mom had a calcium build up on her hip. She thought it was cancer. Shortly after my husband had gotten sober she started to announce she was going to kill me for giving her cancer. This was also shortly after I chased the shadow man out of my room. Spiritual warfare is very real. We have got to open the world's eyes to the spiritual war or we will just medicate ourselves into purgatory and he'll. There is indeed a world that not only is it gravely misunderstood, most do not even consider it to be possible. Needless to say, after death threats, we moved out.
     While living on our own again, things would get difficult for me. My husband and I weren't talking or as close as we had used to be and my second pregnancy was hard on me. To make matters worse my mom and dad were hiding my mom getting worse. They would only let her and I talk when she could pretend she was doing good. She would take one of her last psych ward visits while I lived in the new house.
     Having issues with my relationship and feeling lonely, and being called the devil's imp was really emotionally scaring for me. I felt like I was losing my mind. I told my father on repeated occasions, I thought she was possessed and that she was out to get me. This time I got to her meds pamphlets that come with the poisons she was prescribed. Her doctor was prescribing a sleeping medication and an allergy medication that her others specifically say not to mix.
    Armed with a list of over the counter drugs and prescriptions she was abusing, I marched into that shrink's office with information. I scared him so bad he dropped the woman after that. What he said to me was so unprofessional as well. I asked him what to do about her episodes caused by her meds. He told me he didn't have time for this. His patient he only saw a few moments a month. Someone he hardly knew yet found it ok to medicate her into insanity. I would learn this is just how the mental health system works. It's not about your mental health.
                  Chapter XI
           Back Again so soon

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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