Turning into a Monster

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Emily tried to escape Malak's grasp, but it was proven useless. "Calm down. We are almost there." He said, but that proved to make Emily panic even more. "Please let me go." She started to beg. This amused the demon. "I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, they have doing so good as of recently. So you are their reward since they have had eyes on you ever since you entered that hedge maze." He said as he entered the room, tossing Emily to the ground. "What are you gonna do to me?" She asked. "You will become a gold watcher. The very first female gold watcher might I add." He said as he began to prepare everything by getting some clothes. "Now strip off your clothes." He said and Emily shook her head no. "It's nothing sexual. Do you want to be stuck in those clothes with your new mold of gold?" He asked and Emily shook her head no again. "I am not doing anything you say!" She growled. 

"The hard way it is then." He said and raised his hand up, causing Emily to be held still by some invisible force. "Huh?!" Emily was confused when her clothes ripped off her body, leaving her naked. "Now know I am no pervert and I respect woman truly, you just made me do this harder than it is needed to be." Malak said. Emily struggled but it was proven worthless. She looked up to see the pot that contained liquid gold. "PLEASE!" She screamed. "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Malak heard her pleas and sighed. "Your not gonna die. Your just gonna be trapped in this nightmare forever as a prize for my Watchers." Malak said and like that, pulled down a lever.

The liquid spilled on Emily's body. She tried to scream but she couldn't move her lips as Malak used his powers to seal them shut. The liquid burned to the touch and it covered her skin and it felt like it was burning it off and it felt as if it was becoming her new skin. The strangest thing was that her hair was still intact from all of this even though it should've burned with her skin. Not only was the gold liquid hot, but it was also sticky. 

After a bit, the liquid stopped and she was placed on the ground. She couldn't see nor move her mouth. "Brace yourself." She heard Malak say and before she could question it, Malak shoved two of his sharp fingers in where her eyes should be. She wanted to scream, but couldn't. Then it was her mouth as he managed to pry it open and cracked it, Emily finally managing to let out a blood curling and yet, tired scream. 

She was breathing heavily at the events that had just happened. She felt weaker than she ever has before. "I know your tired and in a new world of pain but get dressed and come meet me outside after your done." Malak said, handing her the clothes. He then walked out, leaving the female to get dressed.

After she was done she tried her best to walk out, but with the burning pain still there it was hard. But she somehow managed. Malak was outside with William and the moment Emily stepped out, William was in awe of her beauty. "I think her form came out perfect, wouldn't you-" Before Malak could finish, Emily collapsed to the ground.  

Emily had no idea how long she was out, but she slowly woke up with the pain subsided from her turning. Emily only opened her eyes to see a goldwatcher wearing black. He has a glass full of red wine. Then she felt the surface she was on rising and lowering and heard talking above her. She then realized that she was laying on someone's chest and slowly raised herself off, revealing with half opened eyes that it was William. "Hey there beautiful." He said and Emily just put her head back down, already knowing her fate as being one of them forever but as to her being so tired she just laid back down and before passing out said, "Wake me up when there's food." She heard the gold watchers chuckle but paid no attention as she was over come by slumber once again.

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