Founding her

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No One POV

Upon catching a glimpse of Anna, Taylor's attention was immediately drawn to the snowman standing nearby. To her surprise, it bore an uncanny resemblance to the snowman they had built together during their childhood days. Intrigued by this unexpected similarity, she couldn't help but inquire, "Olaf?" as she approached the snowman.

Confirming Taylor's suspicion, the snowman replied with a voice filled with warmth, "Yes."

Overwhelmed with astonishment, Taylor knelt before the snowman and asked again, "Is it truly you?"

Once more affirming his identity, Olaf responded with a simple yet heartfelt "Yes," which prompted Taylor to embrace him affectionately. In return, Olaf reciprocated the gesture with great enthusiasm, exclaiming joyfully, "Hugs!" as he hugged her back.

Anna, filled with concern for her friend's well-being, interrupted their conversation and asked, "Are you okay?" Her genuine worry was evident in her voice.

In response, Taylor, wanting to alleviate Anna's concerns, reassured her by saying, "Yeah, I'm okay." With those words, she rose to her feet, indicating that she was physically fine.

Meanwhile, Olaf, determined and resolute in their shared mission, took it upon himself to inform Anna and Taylor of their objective. He stated with conviction, "We are going after Elsa. Come on." His words carried a sense of urgency and determination.

Taking charge of the situation, Olaf began guiding Anna, Taylor, Kristoff, Sven, and Spirit on the path they needed to follow. With his knowledge and guidance, they embarked on their journey toward finding Elsa.

As they embarked on their journey, a young boy named Kristoff joined Anna and her friends. Anna had introduced him earlier, and he now posed a crucial question: "So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?"

Anna confidently declared to her companions, "Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister."

Kristoff, taken aback by the simplicity of her plan, inquired with concern, "That's your plan? My ice business is riding on you talking to your sister?"

Taylor emitted a soft laugh at Kristoff's remark, causing him to glance at her curiously. However, she maintained an innocent expression, leaving him puzzled.

Turning his attention back to Anna, Kristoff questioned her further, "So you're not at all afraid of her?"

Anna responded without hesitation, "Why would I be?" 

"Yeah. I bet she's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever." Olaf enthusiastically expressed his belief before unintentionally colliding with an icicle. Taylor promptly came to his aid, helping him extricate himself from the situation, and instinctively held his hand to prevent any further accidents. Olaf did not object to this gesture, as he found solace and comfort in Taylor's presence.

As Taylor and her companions continued their arduous journey, she couldn't help but notice the imposing wall of mountainous terrain that lay ahead. The rugged peaks stretched high into the sky, creating an awe-inspiring sight. Taylor, ever observant, surveyed their surroundings in search of a way to bypass this natural obstacle.

To her delight, she spotted a narrow path that wound its way around the base of the mountains. It seemed like a promising route to take, offering a potential solution to their predicament. With Olaf leading the group, they eagerly followed the path, with Spirit faithfully trotting alongside them.

As they ascended along the winding trail, their anticipation grew. The air grew crisper and colder with each step, hinting at the possibility of something extraordinary awaiting them at the end of their detour. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of climbing, they reached the summit of the shortcut.

To their astonishment, a magnificent ice castle stood proudly before them. Its shimmering walls glistened in the sunlight, reflecting a myriad of colors. The castle's grandeur was undeniable, and it exuded an unmistakable aura that could only belong to one person – Elsa.

The sight of the ice castle filled Taylor and her companions with a mix of wonder and excitement. They marveled at its intricate architecture and imagined the magical wonders that awaited them inside. It was as if they had stumbled upon a hidden realm of enchantment.

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