Chapter 10

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Evie's POV:

I can't believe he would do this to me!!

Why would I thought that a popular, cute, bad boy would like a nerd like me?! I'M SO STUPID!

I cried my tears out

Mal's POV:

I was dancing with Ben but I didn't see Evie around and saw Carlos sitting on a bench sadly

"Hey, Ben?" I ask

"Yeah?" Ben said

"Did you see where Evie is?" I asked out of curiosity

"Um, I think so... I saw her run out of the room crying but nobody else noticed" Ben said

"Huh? why?!" I asked

"I don't know. After Carlos and Evie danced, Evie ran out of here crying" Ben answered

"Hmm... I'm gonna ask Carlos" I said

"Alright" Ben said

I walked to Carlos who was sad and I sat beside him

"Carlos..." I said

He looked at me

"Oh, hey Mal" Carlos said

"Where's Evie??" I ask

"Oh, um, she... went home... Heh" Carlos said nervously chuckling

"She went home?! I don't think she would go home so early and leave the dance unless.... she's sad about something..." I said

"U-Uh..." Carlos said

"Come on, Carlos, tell me!" I said

"Ok, fine.... I told her that I 'KIND OF' cheated on her BUT I DIDN'T!-"


"Let me finish!" Carlos said

"Fine." I said with crossed arms and unhappy face

"Amy kissed me! And.... I got mad and kinda slammed her in a locker and told her to never do it again cause I'm with Evie and I love her but... Evie didn't let me finish, instead... she ran out of here crying." Carlos said

"Ok, you are so dumb" I said

"....I AM NOT!" Carlos said

I chuckled

"You are!" I said

Ben walked to us

"Hey, what's going on?" Ben asked

I explained (I'M TOO LAZY TO WRITE, LOL!)

"WHAT?! Carlos, your dumb!" Ben said

"Ugh" Carlos said

"HAHAHA, That's what I said!" I said

Emie walked to us

"Hey guys, have you seen-"We cut Emie off

"Evie?" I said 

"Um, yeah, how'd you know?" Emie asked

I chuckled

"I kinda... sorta... cheated on Evie BUT... she kissed me and I got mad and slammed her on a locker and threatened to never kiss me again" I said

"Whaatt!" Emie said

"I'm gonna go to Evie's home and check up on her" I said

"OOH, Can I come too? She's also my friend!" Emie said

"Ok fine!" I said

We walked to Evie's home

"Ok, her house is big" Emie said

"Yup" I said

We knocked and the door opened and we saw Snow white

"Good evening, girls, what are you doing here?" Snow white asked

"Hello Mrs. White... Were here to see Evie" I said

"Of course, come in" Snow white said

"Thanks!" Emie said

We walked in

"Her room is right up the stairs" Snow white said

"Ok, thanks" Me and Emie said

We walked up the stairs to her room

We heard Evie crying

"She must be really upset" Emie said

"Of course she is, Emie!" I said

I knocked

"I SAID I WANTED TO BE ALONE!!" Evie shouted from inside

"E-Evie? It's Mal and Emie... can we come in?" I ask

The door opened and Evie's face was so... I don't know how to say it

Emie hugged her

We got in and closed the door

We all sat down, me and Emie comforting Evie

"I can't believe Carlos would cheat on me!!" Evie said crying

"Maybe it was just an accident?" I said


"Umm... A really bad and fake friend?" Emie answered

"EXACTLY!" Evie said

"Ok, we got school tomorrow and we should get some rest. I'm gonna head home" I said

"Me too, good night Evie" Emie said

"yeah ok" Evie said and went to her bed

We left her home

"YEESH! She's really sad!" Emie said

"Yeah, I know. Let's just get to bed and we'll see each other at school tomorrow, ok? Bye" I said

"Bye Mal" Emie said

We went back to our homes and I walked in

"Hi sis, where have you been?" Audrey asked 

"Nowhere and none of your business" I said

"Whatever. I'm going to bed" Audrey said and went to her room

I went to my room and prepared for bed then slept

Ok, guys, that's the end for chapter 10!! Hope you enjoyed it! PEACE! 

The Bad Boy and The Nerd (Carvie)Where stories live. Discover now