IruKaka || Burning together [1/2]

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You may need to read the story to understand the AU

AU: Depressed, pregnant, modern, murder, 'abused'

Ship: IruKaka

Requested by: Yournormalweeb


"Hey, isn't that the manager of your group, Mr. Kakashi right?," a male with rather bushy brows nudged his best friend, causing the male to look in the direction his friend looked at.

"Yea it is! He looks pretty down tho..." the blond replied, eyeing the manager's sad looking eyes that were puffy. "I think he just cried?... He doesn't look too well either..."


The two noisy teenagers ran with their tails between their legs as the ceo approached the glum looking manager, a cup of coffee in each hand. The handsome looking male smiled and tapped the other soft male gently with his pinky as he bent down next to the other. Kakashi jumped a little in shock before realising it was only his best friend.

"Here," the brown haired male chuckled, handing the other one of the two cups, the other smiled weakly and accepted the bitter drink.

"Thanks," Kakashi said quietly as usual and took a sip of the beverage.

"No problem."

The two sat in utter silence until.

"That bastard did something didn't he?..."

A bunch of whispers and murmurs filled the office, the manager, Mr. Kakashi was not present at his seat, instead the ceo was there.

"Mr. Iruka?," a bubblegum haired girl asked, approaching the much older male with caution.

"Yes, Mrs. Haruno?"

"Where's, Mr. Kakashi? Is he not well?"

"He's on leave until the end of the year."

"WHAT!?," the spikey haired blond squeaked, clasping his hand over his mouth once he realized what he just did.

It was written on a signboard on EVERY SINGLE room, in large bold letters.

Rule 1: Talk properly when around the ceo and owner {Speak well and no stuttering}.

Rule 2: No eating unless lunch break.

Rule 3: Hand in files and other things on time.

The list went on and on, but what was important was that this small blue eyed male just broke the very first rule, even worse... In front of the man that can fire him in just a breath.

The raven haired male that sat next to him groaned softly at this foolish mistake.

"You, come here," the brown haired male demanded as the blond adjusted his glasses and scurried up to his former managers' desk.

"Yes sir?"

"There will be no mice in this office, understood?"

"Yes sir..." the blond looked at his feet in order to advert his eyes from the glare the other male sent him. "But sir, I do have a question."

Bottom Kakashi Ships [BKS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora