How he proposed

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He took you to a beach near your house and set up a cinema on the beach, the movie featuring little cue moments of you and him, ending with a on-screen and off-screen proposal.


He invited you over to his house and cooked you clam and spaghetti. When you attempted to open a clam, instead of clam meat there was shiny ring inside, followed by Newt's heartfelt proposal.


Minho tricked you into a running race, stating the loser has to do whatever the other says. Your competitve self simply couldn't refuse and guess what? You ended up with a white veil over your face a year later.

AN: Sorry guyssss I do know that it's been AGES since I've updated but two of my friends are having their birthdays soon and me and the others have been planning something special so please please forgive me for not updating in such a long time.

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