I choose you! Creativity😩✨💅

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𓁹Train wait𓁹
Cool, night air licked all over your face.
You tried to cover it, by using your puffy, yellow scarf.
The people surroding you didn't saw you, nor did they care about a teenager coming home after the winter break started.
You looked blanky into the fading darkness, while sounds made the air hummid faded, as you turned the volum up on your hedphones.
Sudently, a white spark errupeted from the direction you looked in a few seconds ago.
The weight in your chest lifted, as everyone around you went onto the machine.
Your train  was next.
The train station was empty.
You loved that.

You let yourself become more relaxed, humming soft tune.
It was time.
Your time.
The metal machine slowed down until it stopped infront of you. It was nearly empty, only a few of lonely people, here and there.

You sat down, and looked outside the window.
The city looked... so beutifull.
Calming, with little sparks of neon light, far, far away.
You closed your eyes, letting your mind drift off to mindless state of sleep.


OC used:
Gabriellle Mishelle Welterfill



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