Part *6*

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The next morning I wake up and do my daily routine. I pack extra clothes for work. Then I get ready and head to the gym. Once I get to the gym I do 30 pull ups, 30 push ups, 30 squats, 30 crutches, and a minute high plank.

After an hour and a half at the gym, I showered and changed into a suit for work. After a 15 minute drive I arrive at my work place.

When I walk in and my secretary announces that I have an appointment at 12:00

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When I walk in and my secretary announces that I have an appointment at 12:00. I thank her for the information and head towards the elevator, once I'm in the elevator I click the 30th floor. I walk out of the elevator to my office and unlock it.

Then I start doing some paperwork. After a couple hours and my meeting I lock up my office and inform my secretary I'm heading home. I leave the building and walk to my car. I open up the boot and put my briefcase there. While on my way to my house my phone rings. I stop at a red light and check my phone seeing a text message from Lizzie.


Hey, (Y/N) I just wanted to
Check up on you and see
What your doing?🙂

Hey, Lizzie☺️ I'm good just got
Out of work. How has your
Day been?

Oh, that's good, I still have
A couple of hours left till
I get out of work😒, but my day
Has been good, what about you?

Oh that's sad🫤, but I'm glad
You had a good day, my day
Has been good

Well I'm glad you had a
Good day too,  I  would
Love to keep texting but they
Need me😕, I'll text you when
I have the chance

Oh no, it's okay, have
A good rest of your day☺️

Okay, goodbye👋

Goodbye 👋

I set my phone down as I continue driving home. Before I go home I stop to get something to eat then continued my way back home. I pull-up to my driveway and enter my gate code. The gate opens and I click a button to open the garage door and park my car there. I open the boot and grab my briefcase closing and locking my car. I open the other garage door connected to my house.

Mamiko and dagger start barking signaling me that they have too go to the bathroom. I set my briefcase on the kitchen counter and let the a lonboys out. As the boys are out playing and doing their business I start to unpack the food I bought.

After eating I cleaned up the mess I made and went outside to play with the boys for a little bit. While I'm outside playing with the boys I hear my gate open and a car in my driveway. I sit down on my lawn chair unalarmed knowing my best friend was here. I heard the glass door slide open and close as Tom comes and sit on the lawn chair next to me. "Hey loser" Tom says "hey dork" I reply. " so there's the premier for the new marvel movie coming out next month. I was wondering if you wanted to come and not be a lonely loser?" Tom asks me waiting for a response

" why not" I answer his question. "OMG YESSSSSS, we're gonna go suit shopping next week, also I was gonna make you come even if you said no" tom says as he gets up to go get something to eat. " I know you would've, that's why I said yes." I reply to my best friend.

"Anyways are you and Zendaya going together?" I ask him. Yeah, I already asked her." He answers me. "Okay, when are we going suit shopping so I can get my work day off?" I question. " umm like next Saturday" he replies. "Okay I'll put it in my calendar." I say texting my secretary to put it in my work calendar.

" so wanna play 2k?" Tom asks me. "Hell yea" I reply way to loud enough for the dogs to start barking. Me and Tom both look at each other and burst out laughing. We walk back inside and into the gaming room with the boys following behind us.

After about two hours of playing different games we decided to go get something to eat. I asked him if he wanted to invite Zendaya and Jacob. Tom said yes, so we're gonna meet with them at the restaurant we're going to.

As we arrive to the restaurant I park next to Zendaya's car and both me and Tom get out to greet her and Jacob. I've talked to Jacob and Zendaya when I go to set with Tom sometimes. After greeting each other we enter the restaurant and get a table for four.

After dinner tom said he was gonna stay with Zendaya and go with her to go drop of Jacob to his apartment. We said our goodbyes and I headed home. I checked my phone and saw that Lizzie texted me a minute ago. I pull up the messages and reply to her.


Hey, I finally got
off ofWork☺️

Hey, that's great 🤭
What are you doing?

Just packing up
My things then going
Home 🏡

I'm driving back
Home 🏡 right now

Oh, what were you doing?

Just went out to
Eat with my mate Tom

Oh that sounds nice 😊

Yea, have you ate🤨

Yes, I just have too go
Home and go to sleep And wake
up for work tomorrow 😕

That sucks, a pretty girl
Like you should have
more Days off🥰

Awww🥰 thank you

Theres nothing to
Thank me for you do
Truly deserve more time
Off of work

Yea, I wish so to but
After this project is done I'll Have
a bit of time off of work

Well that's good

Well I've got to get home I'll
See you soon, we're
Still on for Saturday right?😳

Yes, we're still on for Saturday
I'll see you Saturday:) And I
Hope you have a good rest of
Your week☺️

Thank you, I hope you
Have a good rest of your week
Too. Goodnight (Y/N)🥰

Goodnight Lizzie🥰

After I say goodnight to Lizzie I finally arrive at my house and let the boys out. After doing my nightly routine I let the boys back in and head to bed. Feeling the tiredness from the day take over me.

Heyyyyyyyy, guess who's back🥴 I'm sorry for not posting in so long. School started and my mental health started going downhill and I took some time to myself. Thank you all for understanding and please understand that I tried to post sooner but I keep having writers block but thanks for all the votes and views, it means a lot to me that people actually like my writing and I'll try posting as much as I can

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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