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Ryan's POV

"Okay so Dante you're going to be taking the left wing while Ryan takes the right" my dad says

"Yeahh I will" Dante says excited

"What's made you all happy about taking the left" I said while trying not to laugh

"Dude ecco dove sono tutte le ragazze sexy"
Dude that's where all the sexy girls are

"Dante just because your my best friend doesn't mean I'm going to agree with you all the time"

"And besides you won't be able to get anything because those 'sexy girls' are the ones we need to get rid of"

"Ugh you can be really fucking annoying when you want to be" he says annoyed

"why don't you just call Sophie or whatever the fuck the name was"

"Her name was Stephanie and she was too clingy anyways. Always wanting to cuddle afterwards"

"Oi girls stop chatting and get to work" my dad said to us making me roll my eyes

"Ryan, Dante get in here now" my dad says while standing outside of his conference room

"Here we go again" I said exhausted

"Right I'm going out, wanna come" I said while walking out of the room

"Nah now that I think about it I'll call Stephanie, have a hit and run without explaining to her that I just want to fuck"

"Good choice"

At the club

Walking through the club all I can think about is getting a drink down my neck and also a quick fuck

"Macy can you get me a burban"

"Yeah, and theres also someone I want you to meet"

"Mace I'm not going out with one of your friends again"

"Oh come on Darla only wanted to get to know you better"

"No, you know I only do a hit and flick"


"Thank youu"

Macy and I have been friends since we were 5 when I saw that Marty McCullan was picking on her for wearing a boys jumper but I showed him a lesson or two. What can I say - shes like a sister to me

Sitting at the same booth I sit at whenever I come to this club I look over to the bar and see someone who I would never have thought to come to this particular club

"Well well well what do we have here" i say under my breath smirking "Auora Grey"

As I get closer and closer to her all I can think about is how her body looks in the outfit, the way her lips would look around my dick and the way her hands would look all over my body

When I sit down I start to see her checking me out and that makes me get excited to what might happen next

"Do you always stare at people" I ask her

"Only the sexy ones" she says making me hold in my laugh but trying to stay looking sexy while biting my lower lip checking her out

She looked away and that's when I took my chance to reach my hand out to touch her jaw and looked to her lips then to her eyes and back again

That's when she started to lean in and because I wanted to mess with her in the morning I began doing the same and that's when my night started

( The rest happens in the first chapter )

In the morning

Waking up in one of my families hotel was no big surprise considering that the girls that I usually had sex with were in it for money so I just brought them back here so they didn't know where to find me if I ever didn't call them back which was ALL the time

But waking up next to Auora Grey was a BIG surprise because we have never liked eachother  in any way possible

"cazzo, what have i done? I said under my breath rubbing my hands over my face looking over to the unconscious girl next to me who I was also meant to kill today.

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