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Did Zayn actually leave?

The whole reason why Zayn left was because he was wanting to be a normal 22-year old. We all support his decision and were continuing as a four piece. Niall, Liam, Louis and I were still going strong but we still need support, we, 4, couldn't handle it. We knew that this was going to be a last concert, with all 5 of us. We won't be one direction without Zayn. -Harry

We support Zayn and his decision for leaving. He was being called a "terrorist" because he's Muslim. He wants to be out of the spotlight and if you check out our website - one direction website there's a statement. I took a picture of it. It's sad, really sad to see our best friend for 5 years go. Zayn will always be our best friend. For a really long time. He's our bro. -Niall

The picture on the side says it all -Liam

Zayn left wanting to be normal again. Wanting to have his own privacy. Wanting to be with family and none of this is Perries fault. So calm down on Perrie. He wants to be out of the spotlight. But us 4 and you guys know is that Zayn will always be apart of our hearts. On going and were very excited for another album to come it in 2015! -Louis

Ps. Picture statement about Zayn is on the side

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