Please wake up , i love u

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Charli pov

I wake up to knocking on my door, i get up walking on the cold floor, i shiver as i open the door " hey " i say sleepily already knowing it is chase , i open the door to see .. u guessed it.. chase , the boy stands there with red eyes that look like he has been crying and i stand there holding the handle of my door trying to figure out what is on his mind ¨ charli ..¨ he mumbles out and i put my hand on his face ¨ whats wrong? ¨ i ask confused and not knowing if i want to know the answer. He looks down to the floor ¨ we need to talk ¨ My heart drops to my feet as i slowly bring my hand down and turn my heel and start to try and walk to the bed as i feel my hands start to shake from nervousness. I sit down on my bed with my back to the headboard and he sits with his to the footboard ¨ okay , charli i just want to say whatever happens i love you .¨ i look at him puzzled ¨ chase please dont let this .. be what im thinking it is ¨ i say and start to tear up as he breathes out ¨ im sorry , i really am , i love you so much charli .. more then i can ever explain , its just .. i need a break ¨ he says and i start to shake more ¨ what did i do ..¨ i say softly as he puts his warm hand ontop of mine ¨ nothing ¨ he replies as i look up to him. I crawl over to him and lay a kiss on his lips as i feel the tear fall onto my lips as he pulls away ¨ Im going back to my house , we have school tommorow¨ he says as he gets off the bed and i sit there, crying .. how can he not care, after all i have done , after all WE have done , how does he not care , i must have not been that important to him after all. If he doesnt care about me , no one does , he was the last thing i had , and he left , everyone leaves, I get up off my bed and shakily walk over to my dresser and open my pill bottle, with my hands shaking i pour about 7 pills into my hand , enough to kill me without any pain , I get a water bottle out my mini fridge and i take a pill and swallow it with a water and then another. Vinnie walks by my room and he looks over to wave like he always does when he walks by my room and as he turns he sees me on my last pill ¨ Charli ! what are you doing ! your pills arent supposed to be took until 3 ! ¨ he say sand runs to to me as i look him in the eyes ¨ he left , everyone leaves , No one ever wants me in their life , so why should i even be here ¨ i say faintly as i feel the pills start to take effect and i feel like im going to pass out. He looks at me ¨ Charli , How many pills did you take ?!¨ he says aggresively ¨ 6 ¨ i say and pass out into his arms.

Chase pov

I walk out my car and go up the steps before i unlock the door my phone starts to vibrate in my back pocket ' Vin :)' i read across the screen , ¨ wassup ¨ i say to a heavy breathing vinnie ¨ Chase if you dont bring your ass back to this fucking house so i can beat the living shit out of you ¨ He says ¨ Woah, if this is about char-¨ i say as he cuts me off ¨ CHARLI IS OVERDOSING ¨ he says and my eyes widen, i run to the car as i hang up the phone and start the car ¨ what the fuck did you do Chase ¨ i whisper to myself speeding down the road trying to get there before the love of my life dies ... because of me .

Vinnie pov

I hear the door open as chase runs into the room and sees charli laying on the bed ¨ fuck , no .. charli wake up , please wake up , im so sorry , i love you more then anyone i have ever loved before, your too special to me and alot more people to die , please wake up charli ¨ he says as he cries holding charli in his arms ¨ the ambulance is here ¨ i say as he gets up almsot falling on the floor as he runs to the ambulance with the cold girl in his hands ¨ hopefully bunny wakes up, i need her ¨ i whisper to myself.

Chase pov

I get inside the ambulance with charli as i look around the people get in and start to do things to charli as they start to rush to the hospital and i look down and see charli eyes kinda open ¨ Charli ?!¨ i say hyper ¨ chase ..¨ she responds halfway not being able to speak ¨ Charli , your gonna get through this , i know it ¨ i say as i hold her hand and she smiles ¨ I hope so ..¨ i start to smile , please dont let this be the end .. not now , i love her too much for this to be the end .. 


Chase pov

As we get to the hospistal the paramedics get charli out the ambulance as we run into the door and into the elavator. I stand in the elevator so worried that my chest hurts, i think i might go into a panic attack . The elevator opens as we walk out and i follow them into a room and the lay charli on the bed .. she lays there with her eyes kind of opened , please make it through charli .

Charli pov

I see lights and people all around me , where am i , am i dead.. am i in a hospital .. wheres chase? wheres my family .. am i gonna make it ? the people go away and i feel a IV go in my arm , hopefully i make it , i dont have the strength to open my eyes all the way to see anything, i cant feel anything , im numb .. i need to see chase , i need to say sorry , i didnt mean to put him or anyone through this because of my selfishness, im such a bitch. 

Chase pov 

I take out my phone as soon as i feel it vibrate ' brit 😃 ' i read as i answer ¨ wheres my neice ?¨ she says in a worried voice ¨ Brit-¨ ¨ Chase .. where .. is .. Charli ¨ she says getting aggravated ¨ beside me , in the hospital ¨ i say and get quiet ¨ WHAT ?! what happened to her !¨ she says as i feel her voice breaking as she sniffles up getting ready to cry ¨ she .. i think she is overdosing ..¨ i say and she gasps in shock ¨ no , ur lying .. put charli on the phone¨ she says and i sigh ¨ Im not ¨ she starts to cry ¨ Chase , please put my baby on the phone ¨ ¨ i cant .. ¨ i say and she hangs up. Fuck .. charli why would you do this ..


1330 words .

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