U.S.J and feelings? Pt. 2

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A/N: The snake above is the bisexual galaxy pride snake for those of you who wanted it and now that volleyball is over I will be trying to update more frequently anyways on with the story

.•*No ones p.o.v*•.

The trio quickly made it to class and to their seats before the last bell rang. The tired teacher walked in to the classroom with a board look on his face.

"Okay class today we will be going to the U.S.J." He said tiredly, the class gasped and chatter started up amongst the students. Aizawa sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Alright everyone shut up" He growled a prominent scowl on his face. The class silenced and he continued speaking.
"As I said well be going to the U.S.J to train you idiots in different situations. Now everyone grab you damn costumes and let's load up" he said before pressing the button that opened the panels in the wall with their cases. The class excitedly got up and grabbed their stuff before going to change.

~Time skip to on the bus because I'm slowly running out of ideas and it's been a while since I last wrote a story so I'm judging my work right now~

The class chatted quietly amongst themselves, an occasional loud and aggressive comment coming from the ashen blonde behind you causing you to flinch and the friendly red head sat across from you. The usual smile plastered on his face showing his sharp teeth. Your head was tilted up, your eyes closed as you listened to everyone talk but you couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching you as you rested.

.•*Bakubabys P.O.V*•.

'They look so peaceful- Wait what the fuck am I thinking?' I rolled my eyes and sat back scowling I really need to get these fucking thoughts out of my head before I start falling for them. The bus came to a halt in front of a building and the class started off loading.

.•*No ones P.O.V*•.

The class was led inside after having the rules and objection for the lesson layed out in front of them by the pro hero number 13. Upon making it into the building a black purple-ish portal opened up, people slowly started walking out of it, then a big bird. Two of the intruders stood next to it. The blue haired boy surveyed the room and growled in irritation
"Why isn't All Might here? He was supposed to be here." He questioned as he stared itching his neck
"Kids run and get out of here go get help! Aizawa and I will hold them off!" 13 yelled as they activated their quirk. Aizawa leaping into action as well. The class started running to the door only to be blocked by the black purple smoke
"Sorry but we can't let you do that" That was the last thing they heard before they were all transported to different areas of the U.S.J.

.•*Y/N's P.O.V*•.

I slowly woke up and felt around my neck to make sure my seal was still there. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I slowly got back up to my feet and surveyed where I was. It was raining heavily. I looked around for anyone I recognized only to notice I was completely on my own. I mutter in distraught
"Damn looks like I'm on my own for this." I quiet down as I pick up the sound of footsteps splashing in the puddles. They were heading towards me, I quickly looked over my shoulder  noticing a group of people walking a few smirking. '1...2...3 no wait 4 guys' I counted in my head
"Well well well boys looks like we have a lost bunny~" one of the guys said, causing me to snear in disgust. 'What a pig' I thought as I turned to face them.
"I'm much more than just a bunny" I commented their faces dropped as I said that
"Oh yeah then what are you?" One piped up.
"Wanna see I mean no one is around so maybe I can show you guys" I stated as I walked towards them. Most of them backed up whereas the one that piped up stood still a smirk slowly creeping onto his face as I approached the group. I reached up for the clasp of my seal before unclasping it and pulling off the choker entirely and dropping it on the floor. I felt my body heat up as I kept walking, a color changing flame engulfing my body first the color of normal fire, blue for water, green for earth, and a white for air. The flame disappeared just as quickly as it appeared leaving clear horns with cracks in them in its wake. A long white dragon-like tail formed behind me as I came to a halt in front of the male.
"See I'm much more than just a bunny" The male backed up in shock and fear. An irritated growl leaving my mouth. My horns and tail change to a light blue before the water on the ground freezes. Catching the men in place, I punch the guy closest to me in the face, knocking him out before I heat my feet up and start walking towards the men again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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