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So I'm developing these characters since I didn't create them alone so I want to understand them before I try to write them, and I figured the first, simplest step would be to ask them questions and compare how I think they would answer those questions as opposed to how the ones who created them think they would respond.

So yeah, this is just a strange interview for 9 or 10 characters :3

I'll leave the questions blank so you guys can comment your responses, then scroll to find what I predicted to be the answers, that way nothing I say can sway what you think. Please answer by typing your character's name and then responding in line with each question. 


What is gender?

In a group project, what part do you play?

What is love/romance? (bb don't hurt mee)

You have $10 left in your bank account and need to make money fast. What do you do?

Describe the perfect kiss. (this one sounds weird but trust me I've been feeling very poetic with these characters)

What instantly turns you off/makes you mad with someone?

How much do you plan before you do?

You are handcuffed right now, what do you do/say to your captors?

Make sure you've answered them in the comments before you scroll.

Alexandria, she/her:

What is gender? A fickle divide due to genitalia
In a group project, what part do you play? I start the research while others argue over who should be the leader, and I'm willing to help anyone who doesn't understand the content. If they make me the leader, we will all fail-
What is love/romance? Finding someone who adores every part of you, who can tolerate flaws and admire talents.
You have $10 left in your bank account and need to make money fast. What do you do? I ask some friends nicely for loans, just long enough for me to find a good job and start paying them back.
Describe the perfect kiss. You're on the third or fourth date, and the other person compliments something you usually don't notice about yourself, and you do the same in return, until the two of you realize this isn't just a relationship, but love. The two of you slowly lean in and kiss, both realizing how much you love one another.
What instantly turns you off/makes you mad with someone? Being told I can't help/wouldn't be useful. I feel useless enough on my own as is, thank you.
How much do you plan before you do? I'd say a fair amount? I don't know exactly what to do in the next five minutes, but I know how I'd like to react to circumstances. 
You are handcuffed right now, what do you do/say to your captors? I tell them I know 13 ways to already be set loose. I'm bluffing of course, I just want to keep talking until they believe I'm gonna escape anyway and start to let things slip that could help me escape.

Amani, they/them:

What is gender? I'm the last person to ask that, sorry
In a group project, what part do you play? I awkwardly explain that I don't understand any of the content but I'd love to trace a picture for them or write as long as they tell me what to do.
What is love/romance? I don't experience the attraction part myself, but I imagine it's everything that poetry makes it out to be.
You have $10 left in your bank account and need to make money fast. What do you do? Uhm, I don't think I'd be able to waste my money that fast.
Describe the perfect kiss. Uhm, one on the forehead or cheek from a friend only. No romantic stuff please <3
What instantly turns you off/makes you mad with someone? probably being told I'm weak.
How much do you plan before you do? I ask my friends what to do. I struggle with thinking some factors through in the moment, so I try to find people who can help me when I need.
You are handcuffed right now, what do you do/say to your captors? Nothing, of course. If the cuffs are flimsy, I can twist them apart, and if they're too strong, I'll wait to find out what they want and act when I see fit.

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