Trick For You, Treat For Me

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It was Nightmare Night and most of Ponyville went to go out for collecting candy with their friends and family. Unfortunately for Card, the mane six were having a small party together. He couldn't possibly take them on all at once, unless he pulls off some master level trickery. No matter the case, he wasn't going to risk getting caught. Especially not after what he did with Fluttershy and Rainbow a few weeks back. There were actually posters of him spread across town, as he was seen as a proper threat. There was even a reward for his capture, but it was more advised to leave that to the royal guard and deliver information instead.

So with his current look, he wouldn't be able to walk around anymore, so he shape shifted into somepony with a pirate costume on. That would be both very fitting for what he's gonna do and should look good enough to walk around for the night and blend in. He had his bag packed full of ropes and tools and was going on the hunt, not for candy, but ticklish cuties.

As he was roaming around town, he saw many candidates that looked ticklish enough to be captured and tickle tortured, but he needed somepony that wasn't in a big group of ponies. Eventually, he saw a smaller group of kids that were given a massive load of candy by a bright light blue unicorn. She was wearing a little witch hat while holding a broom. Not only was she cute as button, but also the little chuckle she made when the kids left was criminally adorable. With that, it was settled. The unicorn was going to get it good.

Card turned into a younger version of his current form and rang her doorbell. Not long after which she opened the door.
"Trick or treat, ma'am!"

She smiled and went to grab a hoof full of sweets, but stopped when she saw that little Card had walked past her into her house.
"Uh, excuse me, but what are you doing?"
The unicorn asked.

"Getting my treat."
He smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey... You can't just come into my..."
The blue cutie followed him, but when she reached the kitchen, he was seemingly gone.
"Huh? Where did you go?"
She could hear how the front door was closed and got locked from the inside. The cheeky pirate had sneaked past her and made sure she couldn't escape. However, now, he already had his rope out.

"O- okay... I don't know what you're planning but um... I think you should leave now, please."
The unicorn kindly requested.

"Nope. I will claim ye as my booty!"
He threw the rope around Coral's upper body, making her gasp and fall on her side, while the rope sneakily looped around her multiple times, tying her front hooves up behind her. After this it was easy to simply add a few more ropes around Coral's lower limbs, tightly securing them together.

"Ahh! Hey, what are you doing?!"
The mare in distress asked.

The pirate grinned and turned back to his his normal changeling form.
"I'm securing my treat, dear. You're mine for the night."
He snickered and went to go and grab his recently captured cutie.

"Two can play at that game!"
With her unicorn powers, she pulled out the rest of his ropes out of the bag and swiftly wound them around all four of his hooves, tying them together in a hogtie. Though before he could fight back, the unicorn quickly locked Card's magic away with a magic nullifying horn ring.
The changeling struggled against the ropes in panic, trying desperately to use his magic.

The unicorn slowly untied herself and stood over the bound changeling.
"You're that changeling on the posters, are you not? The one that breaks into other ponies' houses at night and tickles them?"
She smirked.
"Name's Coral. And you are Card, yes?"

"Ngh... Ya better untie me, before I make you my personal tickle pet."
Card warned her.

Coral formed little ghost hands with her magic, which began softly scratching his bound hooves and sides, sending the devious changeling into fits of adorable laughter.

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