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July 6th, 2021

It was a bright sunny morning with a restless night behind it.

Tokyo was all but excited for today as it was the same as every other, parents yelling, brother yelling, no communication, sleeping in, and eating was the least of their worries.

The air felt different, their clothes were tighter, their bed wasn't made perfectly, everything was off, maybe?

They checked their phone


They checked tiktok, when an interesting video came upon their for you page. The caption read:

I have a Dream SMP Roleplay discord with my friend, please join.

Or something along the lines of that.

They pressed the link and they were there, with 2 other people: Niki Nihachu and Captain Puffy, they were arguing about marrying one another. Niki said Tokyo was their only hope for sanity (they were sorely mistaken), soon after, Niki sent a marriage request to Tokyo, they said yes.

Tokyo eventually became JustAMinx on the server, more people joined, but there was one person who caught their eye, "Kitten" was the name, as simple as that. Eventually "Kitten" became Techno

July 7th, 2021

Techno joined the Vibe vc with Minx, Niki, and Wilbur in it. Minx messaged Techno:


just so yk ur mic is a bit quiet


yeah sorry
i don't usually talk
i'm bad at talking

They went on and on about what they had in common until Techno eventually fell asleep, Minx, leaving him with the wonderful phrase "sleep is for the weak".

July 8th, 2021

Minx found that everything eventful in the server happened very late at night, specifically this night, this night started the Cheek Lore. The Cheek Lore was written by Minx and Techno. It was wonderful, and it brought them plenty quotes and things to laugh at. Wilbur was the Cheek God, with Niki as his sidekick. It was Techno and Minx against the world, a truly unbreakable duo through and through . . . until.

The war broke out, one side destined for the catgirl, the other for failure. The Cheek God murdered Techno in the Denny's parking lot, his dieing words being ones that stung for Minx, "Fuck your cookies", his last words full of acid-like spite towards Minx. Techno lost all recollection of before his revival. Minx was standing alone, but still standing, and not fighting for themself, fighting for their cause, for the Techno they knew, for the Spirit of the Techno they truly understood. Minx no longer understood Techno, now that he  was married to a form of Wilbur, a form of the one that killed him, a form of the thing that ruined everything for Minx, but then again, this was all lore, it was just a story. No matter how real it felt or how invested they were in the story, it was just that, a story.

Minx found their nights empty without hearing "goodnight" or "go to bed, idiot" from Techno, it was almost a longing feeling. They wouldn't say a word though; they were too similar, yet too different, they obviously wouldn't work as anything other than friends.  It was nice to wonder though -was any of that sentimental stuff worth the risk?

Soon enough, techno was all they could think about, if only there was some alternate time-line where maybe, just maybe it worked out, but it didn't matter because thats not the time-line they were in

To Be Continued. . .

End of Chapter 1: Hello?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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