Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! This is a remake from my last Ace Merrill fanfic ''Video games''. I wasn't happy how I written it and with all the mistakes, so I am re writing it. It involves the same characters, but I have changed some of the goals. I still have the original up if you'd like to read. This story will contain swearing and smut, I will make sure to put up warnings. Enjoy!

Huffing, Rose took a long drag from her cigarette. It was late evening, where everyone would go home to their families, except the low lives who had nowhere else to go. She looked up at the sky, a drop of rain hit her face. Then another, and another. She shivered at the drops hitting her skin, she regretted wearing a dress

She then looked ahead of her towards the bar, which was slowly starting to get full. Smirking slightly, she dropped her cigarette without bothering to crush it with her shoe. Picking up her old leather suitcase, she crossed the road to go in

As she walked in, many people turned to stare. Everybody knew everybody. If there's a new face in town, they'd want to know them too.

''Rose!'' A voice yelled from her right ''About time you came''

Rose turned to face the owner of the voice. With a soft smile, she replied ''You alright? Gemma''

''Now that your here'' Gemma hugged her tightly. She was plump and wore a navy cord skirt with a stripy top ''Wanna get a beer before I show you our new layer?''

Rose hugged back ''Sure, but where do I put this'' she let go and pointed to her suitcase ''I'm not walking around here with this lookin like a div''

Gemma took it from her grasp ''Ill put it in the corner, no one will notice it''

Rose nodded as Gemma went to take it away. She went to the bar ''Two bottles of beers please'' She looked at the bar man's name tag ''Irbs'' she smiled at him

''It's Irby'' he replied before opening the beers for her

''Thank you, Irbs'' she ignored the correction, placing her money on the bar then taking her beers

''Here's your beer'' she passed on to Gemma who finally came back

''You're an angel'' she panted, taking a swig

Rose laughed at her but soon stopped as a group of guys around her age walked in. One of them caught her eye. He was tall and muscular. He had blonde hair and wore a white shirt and denim jeans with a toothpick in his mouth

She quickly looked away before he could notice her gaze. Gemma snorted, taking a swig of her drink

''What'' Rose hissed, looking over her shoulder to find the mysterious guy standing next to her, ordering drinks while his friends smirked at her

''He looks like a snowman'' Gemma chuckled

''Shut the fuck up'' Rose muttered, only Gemma could hear

Gemma shrugged in amusement, before rolling her eyes at someone who barged through the door

''What?'' Rose asked her

''Dick face is here for some reason'' she huffed

Rose gave her a confused look ''The one who beat up your brother after you trashed his car'' Gemma exclaimed, catching the mysterious guys attention

''Why would he be here? Coincidence much?'' Rose said sarcastically 

''I don't know. Maybe he's planning on killing us. Shit he's seen us now'' Gemma huffed ''Pass me a cigarette will ya''

Rose handed her friend a cigarette ''So'' She lit one for herself ''What's he gonna do? Punch me?''

Gemma lit her cigarette, leaning on the bar ''He's a wife-beater'' she took a long puff

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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