qmermaids, principals and princes

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Author's note: hey :D im back yes the secret of lady phantom new chapter will be released tomorrow....or the day after...this chapter is dedicated to angelxheart....i got the name right right?...hehe repeating words now back to the chapter.



I sat at the school office. Yay me. Not. It smelled like fish in here. Extremely smelly fish with stinky socks. But eh who was I to complain? I've been to places that stank worser. A girl sat next to me. "A perfectly normal looking girl" I thought to myself. She had shiny long brunette hair and warm dark brown eyes.I travelled downwards to check out her clothes, then realised she had a tail. Wait a moment she must be one of those mermaids. Whoa I'm finally meeting a mermaid when Im about to meet the principle. Weird.

And how am I at the school office? You see....

Flashback(A/N. >.< I didn't mean for the sentence to sound so wrong)

It was all planned in my head. It all seemed so logical at that time until the plan unfolded. I would casually walk by "accidentally" trip over and "accidentally" push the princely boy into the cake. I started to walk in his direction. I walked onwards nearly reaching him but my idiotic self forgot to look for any objects that had fallen on the ground and I tripped. I waved my arms about steadying myself. However without looking I heard high pitched squeal come from my right. To me it sounded awfully like a pig.

Turning my head the slightest my gaze landed vampire lotso nostril hair girl. However her wasn't there. Instead it was kinda in the grossly pink frosted cake. Whoops.

The home ec teacher came over to investigate. However she looked at the mess, Princess e-what was her name again? Lets just say cake girl blabbed out to the teacher her version of what happened.

And that's how I ended sitting outside the office.

The mermaid next to me began to ask, "what did you get in trouble for?" I shrugged saying casually, "you know accidentally tripping and slamming some prissy vampire chick's face into a cake." As soon as I said this she asked another question,"was she blonde with a face full of makeup?" I nodded. We both looked at each other and laughed.

Both us continued to talk until they called for my name.

I waved goodbye and walked into the office with a grin on my face but that was soon wiped off when I sensed the atmosphere. It was not a good feeling. There sat two people. Each sitting up with their heads high as if they look down in you. Each wearing high in court clothing, one with a big poofy dress and the other a red suit. Yet I was more interested in the person sitting behind the large wooden table. Their aura gave off immense power. It made me stand up straighter. They spike with a commanding tone, "step foward Max." I obeyed. The two people sitting on both sides stood up.

They glared at me with sullen faces. I looked at the woman's face. Something was bugging me. Where had I seen that face before? It took me a minute but realisation dawned on me. This woman and man were probably that cake girl's parents. Oh lord.

The principal spoke again,"I would like to hear your side of the story before I come to a decision." I responded with caution,"I was just walking by when I tripped over a spoon and ended up accidentally pushing elizabeth." Hey. I could remember her name.

"She probably lying!"cried out the blond woman pointing at me, "she wants to harm my little darling I just know it!" She then continued loudly and dramatically causing the blind man to hesitantly comfort her.

The principle during this whole time stayed silent. After what seemed like hiurs. They finally spoke, "after seeing both sides I have decided to... let Max off with a warning." The principal turned to me and said, "Max please be careful next tume. You may now go to your next class." I numbly followed the orders processing they had just said. Not noticing the commotion the blonde woman was making about the outcome.

Never Mess with MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora