Part One- Harry Styles Escapes From The Fame To Become A Country Gorl

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You are a small town country girl you are at your barn looking after your horses when a handsome fella walks on in you get so insecure and unhappy ( stream be happi by Dicksie Damelo) because you know you will never be good enough for him

Y/n is such a loser. She smells like cheese stuffed crust and mice like to nibble her feet. She owns a sad little ranch that is falling apart and is held together with pieces of straw and horse sh*t .
One day, Y/N was brushing her pathetic bony ass horse Neicht, and the most handsome man walked into the barn.

Y/N's pov:
Oh... my... GAWD. He is so damn hot. His eyes sparkle in the blinking barn lights, even the horses seem to stare at him in wonder. I think one of them just fell over... oh well we're running low on money anyway ( R I P THAT PUSSY AYYY). His beautiful brown hair glistens and covers one of his eyes. He is wearing a blue plaid shirt which show off his toned abs 🥵. His skinny jeans show off his phat ass. Is this love or have I got hay fever? His beige cowboy hat makes his eyebrows look so... cute.
OH MY GAWD HE ACKNOWLEDGED MY EXISTENCE!!! HE JUST LOOKED AT ME IN THE EYES!! As he if he is Medusa his emerald eyes turn me to stone. He is obviously not from around here as he is carrying a toy pig under his arm. It's so seggsy. He is too good for this place, for me for my shitty ass ranch and these horses.

Harry's pov:
Did I know love til now? What is this beauty in front of me? Her greasy hair flows like a muddy river the horse shit on her sweat drenched face brings out her pale vampire-esque skin. Have I seen true beauty til now? She bends over to pick up a brush and I almost pass away.
Play it cool Harry don't mess this up.
"Hey, uh can I rent a hors?"
Damn I've already messed this up. She's so hawt i don't know what to say!

"Um,weird question," (Debby Ryan Ear Tuck) "are you... Harry... Styles?"
Harry's heart pounds he is terrified what if she only loves me for the fame? I should give up everything and live with this girl in her barn forever and eat deer shit with a side of beaver.
"Uhhhh no I mean yes I mean I am but I don't want to be, people use me for my fame and I honestly had enough of being the famous Harry Styles, I just want to be Harry... the real me... who I truly am!"

Y/N's pov :
Oh my sweet Jesus lord (praise Jesus) he is like so humble! Wow!
"So," ( bites lip) "Harry Styles.."
"You can just call me Harry Styles ;)"
"Uh I said that"
Omg that was soooh embarrassing! I can't even look him in the eyes!
Oh my gawd he is literally touching me ( Harry Styles grabs your chin and makes you look him in the eyes)
His eyes are green like my brother Chad's boogers.
"Oh um..."
"So baby girl, can I get your finest horse and some riding lessons with the finest girl?"
Oh. My. Gawd. Did Harry Styles L I T E R A L L Y call me fine?! I can feel the moths in my stomach, I have never felt like this before!
But why? Why would international super star singer, actor and activist, feminist, single father, chef, professional footballer, comedian, tv show host, banana salesman (3 for a pound, 2 for a euro), teacher, advocate for not eating yellow snow, be interested in me? I don't understand
"Uhhhh sure I'll saddle up Sunshine Daisy Willow Taylor Swift for you"  
"Ok," (hair flip) "thanks doll."
I heard the heels of his cowboy boots clicking as he walked to the mounting block. I tacked up SDWTS for Harry but the leather of the saddle was crumbling so I had to glue it with another Neicht's snot. There all done.

Harry's pov
Oh my god she looks like an angel that's fallen from heaven. A greasy dirty angel that smells like cheese stuffed crust. Walking slowly towards me with a brown shit covered horse.
"Uh thanks baby babe."
(Blushes) "No problem, handsome!"
"Ummm I've actually never ridden a horse before."
"In seven shades of holy hell, you've never been on a buckin bronco in your entire time on this planet? Jesus Mary and Joseph and their homosexual wife, you ain't never lived yet."
"Goddman woman that was a mouthful!"
(Y/N blushes)
" Gee I apologize profusely I'm just a simple gorl who loves her horses and lives on a ranch I ain't got no company round here so I don't really get to talk much to real people"
"Whaddya mean, real people."
"Well, I have an imaginary friend because I'm so brocken and nobody wants to talk to a nobody like me, the only person that gets me is ma horse."
"Wow, what's your imaginary friends name then."
"He's called Barnaby Brabany "
"Well thass a weird name"
" I know his personality weirder he likes to lick horse shit and drink rat piss."
"Oh wow that's incredible, you have such a vivid imagination."
(Y/N blushes) " Why, thank you sir, what seems like a little to you means a lot round here. I should a try your lesson now."
"Wow thank you!"
"I'll lead you out to the round pen."

(Y/N lead Harry out into the round pen on SDWTS)
"Wow nice pen you have other than that dead cow in the corner."
"I'm so sorry for your loss"
"I'm so embarrassed the smell of rotting cow must really be getting to you right now"
"It's ok baby girl"
"Thanks Harry I'm so glad you're here"
(You hug him and your parents walk in to the pen, but Harry leans in and kisses you)

Your parents pov

To be continued...

By the way people this is a joke don't take it too seriously 🤣

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