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No one's POV-
Ellie Hannons; an almost 20 year old girl living with her roommate and a lil pomeranian in Los Angeles.

Ellie's POV-
I woke up with a blocked nose, probably because I ate that yoghurt last night.
I looked at the time and it was 8:00am, yeah I know it's weekend and all but I am more of a morning person. I made my bed and went to check for Taylor and Brew. Ahh well, Taylor is my roomie; and Brew is my dog.
They both were sleeping, so I decided not to wake them up. I went to the kitchen for my morning coffee. Yepp can't start a day without my hot cup of black coffee. I took my coffee and phone and straight up went to my balcony. Its my favourite part of this place.
I sat on a chair and was scrolling through my Instagram while sipping my coffee. My instagram's not that intresting though.
I pretty much just have 70-80 followers, I don't like being on social media, but I can't figure out why do I still use it lol.
Anyways, I looked at the birds chirping and the beautiful sunshine that was glancing at my coffee. I finished my coffee and went to take a bath. Yah! don't judge me, I already mentioned that I am a morning person.

Time Skip-
After I finished bathing, I wore a nice and comfy outfit-

Time Skip-After I finished bathing, I wore a nice and comfy outfit-

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Yeah I know it's not the greatest but this is who I am. I am a simple girl who wants simple clothes, simple life yah everything simple.
Now it's already 10, and Taylor's awake too.

"supp" she said while yawning
"morning! I am making french toast for breakfast."
" k cool"
"hey your toast is ready, grab your plate, and please be careful this time! You already broke my 2 plates"
She glared.
"here yaa go, remember I am not that useless" she said while rolling her eyes.
"Yeah sure" I said; laughing.

She started eating it, and was checking her phone.
I too sat beside her and started eating.

She suddenly started laughing while she was on her phone, and then looked at me.
"What's so funny?" I questioned
"hehehe, look here" she said while showing me the comments of her new Instagram post.
"Wait, they commented again?! Ughhh!" I said while eating my toast.
"it's not their problem though, you look damn fabulous in this one" she said while still laughing.
"No wonder, why so many dudes fall for you, just look at you, hehehe you know you should really try into modelling" she said
"Argh, not again Taylor. You've already told me this a million times.
Enough, are you done with eating?" I said while ignoring her.
"Ahh, now you're mad?! I am just speaking the truth, well nevermind." She said while looking at her phone.

Never mind, she always says stuff like this. It's not that I get hurt or something but still.

"hey, did you talk to your friend about that job?" I said
"ahh, about that listen-"
"yeah, I understood it from your body language, no worries maybe next time" I said; trying to sound positive.

"Listen, I know you really need that job and money but, it's just that you're a little young, and not experienced that's why. But don't stop trying, ok? For now, I am here with you. If you ever need money you can ask me." She said.
"I know, I know you are there for me and I just can't thank you enough but it's just that I have to earn something on my own, my mom just can't keep sending me money all the time, she's alone there too, but thats okay I'll keep searching :)"

After some time-
I was peacefully sitting there reading my book with brew sitting on my lap.
"Ellie!!! I finally found itt!!" She came running towards me
I kept my book aside and said "whoaa whats wrong?!"
"Look at this! You'll be perfect for this oneee!" She said; showing something on her phone.
"yo, what's this about?" I asked
"This will help you with your money issue, go for it! You'll definitely not regret it, just try-"
"ok? But what's this about? And calm down!" I said
"It's a modelling job, you have the height, the body the looks, everything! It's finally time to use this power, come on!
"wai- a modelling job? me....?

Author's note-
Yikes!, another story (finally!) I am done with my exams so now I can write new stories! I hope you'll enjoy.
I'll be back with the 2nd part, and also this story's going to be a lil long hehehe, buh byeee <33

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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