monday 10\30|29\21

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sorry its been a day but if you read the conesenstion (im on the computer so autocorrect can't savw me;( ) nvm just im reading this turns out my phone was left in the car and my phone service was just cut off:D well shit... but anyways i'll continue on this computer for now cause i can\ 

i dont rember much so ill try meh best

starting on the bus. theres these 2 twins and their adopted little brother, their brother looks like hes in kindergarten or something so yesterday I had just figured out that hes in 4th grade whitch totslly suprised me.

since its the last day as til halloween we got candy bags with some useless stuff like stickers anf pencils but before with the boy i noticed that he was in forth grade is bc he brought it up and cause he had a small candy bag and the smaller the grade the more candy you get, i dont get the dumbass dynamic but he had a slitly bigger bag than me, end of story. 

these 2 siblings were going agenst eachother the girl was in 5th grade (she didnt get a candy bag) her brother (did get a candy bag) was in 3rd grade, he was insulting people for no reason so she was aguring with him to apoleiize for it he ened up punchinh g=her anfd stuff ( i dont think it was that serious or hes just weak or she has pain stuff like she can take pain resslly good) but like they were pulling eachothers hair and stuff

and then she took her belt off and started beating the shit out of him, then he surrended, suprised that the bus f=driver iddm do anything💀

289 words

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