Chapter 2: The Café

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                              Alex's POV:
"Lucas come ooooooon it's taking you forever" at that time Lucas came out looking to me like he just rolled out of bed but I guess it's alright because I'm done standing here. "Alex come on we gotta go to the café and meet up with Dylan~" since he was teasing me I elbowed him in the stomach and ran to the café so he couldn't say anything.

                             Lucas' POV:
ohhhhhh no she did not imma kill her. So I chased her into the café and tackled her. "HAHA you run so slow it's scares me sometimes." "Shut up, That's why yo breath is still musty" Then Dylan saw us and luckily (for Alex) saved Alex with an obvious blush on. "Heh, again we will go over this DO NOT CHASE EACHOTHER INTO THE CAFÉ, also because he's lonely I brought my roommate" "Not lonely, just bored and tired of being chased down"

                                Cash's POV:
"*wispers* babes we love you and all but please tell us before you invite people into our group, We. Have. A. Group. Chat. For. This. Reason" ah nice being talked about and I only said 'not lonely, just bored and tired of being chased down' "cash, caSH, CASH IM TALKING TO YOU DOOFUS,  HELLOOOOOOOO" so then as a normal person would I grabbed a napkin and put it in his(told me on the way his pronouns today are he/his) mouth and said "Shut up. I zoned out also why are you yelling" so ask being my best friend Dylan decided to spit his napkin in my face(to which I dodged) and thought the best thing to do was put his arm around me and say "I could tell you zoned out so I wanted ur attention, but clearly someone else does. SPILL!" then the blonde boy decided to be SO rude (even tho we just met) and team up with Dylan and his sister who was obviously Alex(if you didn't know Dylan talks ALOT about Alex and haas pictures so I would know) to pressure  me into telling them. Also IF that worked then they would know but because it doesn't they still have no clue

                               Arny's POV:"Psssst, aaaarrrrrnnnnyyyy, help me I see her, does my outfit look okay, aaaaaaarrrrrrrnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyy" so because I really don't want to go through anther 'Arny when I see her HELP ME' I told him "Blad...

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                               Arny's POV:
"Psssst, aaaarrrrrnnnnyyyy, help me I see her, does my outfit look okay, aaaaaaarrrrrrrnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyy" so because I really don't want to go through anther 'Arny when I see her HELP ME' I told him "Blade, it's okay your outfit looks great, you don't need help your like super confident, also ask me for help again and I'll set y'all up" then Blade being the weirdo he is he looked terrified when she came over and she said "hi Blade, did you do my homework like I said? Because remember I still have that videoooo~" unlike Blade it angered me by that fact she was blackmailing him and he still liked her, so being an amazing friend I threw my cup of coffee at her and said "Talk like that to Blade again and it might be glass next time" after she ran off Blade said "ARNY YOU CANT DO THAT TO A WOMAN THATS LIKE REALLY RUDE DUDE PLUS I LIKE HER!" Then I saw Dylan who sits in-front of me in home room and ran over to him/her and said "hey Dylan what are your pro-nouns for today? Oh and this is my roommate and best friend, the one and only...........BLADE!" I wonder who that guy Dylan's with he looks soooooo cool. "Why hello Blade and .......Arny I think?" Said that really ho- I MEAN cool looking guy. AHHHHHH he knows my nameeeeeeee ew I sound like a fan girl. "Yeah. His name's Arny. And you are?" Woahhhhhh someone's got an attitude. "Okok dang bro my names Cash nice to meet you :)"

3rd person POV:As Blade glared at Cash everyone went to home room

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3rd person POV:
As Blade glared at Cash everyone went to home room.

A/n; HEY GIRLS, GUYS, NON-BINARYS, BIS, AND ALL OTHERS sorry in advance if some of my stuff is really short or really long it all depends on my moods anywayyyyyy au revior~

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