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"What more do you know about them"


"Fucking speak"Jungkook growled his bangs covering his eyes as he clenched his jaw trying to control himself from punching the person whos' standing infront of him

"Th-that M-Mr P-Park too l-likes M-Mr K-Kim"

Now that he think of it Park and Kim would look good together ......and they even like each other....like he did have seen Park many times and he would admit the man looked not less than a model so it was obvious of Taehyung liking him

He pulled his hood over his head as he walked past them , hand fisted as he tryed  calming himself

While walking he bumped into someone as the person fell down groaning

The boy on the ground gulped as he backed away seeing that he bumped into none other than 'Jeon jungkook' himself

"I think its my end" he nervously laughed as he saw the punch coming straight to his face

"Woah am i in hell already - wheres' lil nas X then-"he opened his eyes to see that the punch had stopped half way cuz of the demons' - i mean jungkooks' phone ringing

He couldn't be any more happier that he was saved- but tho he wished he could see lil nas X -

poor boi i can understand his feeling well-

He ran towards his class , careful this time not to bump into another 'Jeon jungkook'

Jungkook sighed as he picked up the call making his way towards his class

double update ~

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