♠️Kingdom Of Clubs ♣

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Kingdom of clubs
The club caverns

Kingdom : club ♣

Kingdom colours:forest green, dark green

Kingdom symbol :♣️

Main Kingdom flowers : green rose
Kingdom flowers : ivy

♣️Kingdom Royalty♣️
(if the king and Queen are to young it is the (ace/Jack) to look out for the king and queen and guide them to the right decision and teach them the best
(ace/Jack) can)

♣️royal hierarchy.♣️

King's Ace
Queen's Ace
Jack's Ace(1-10)

Council hierarchy

Ministry /department leaders
Local council


Ministry of defence
Ministry of justice
Ministry of education
Ministry of health /social care
Ministry of foreign affairs
Ministry of home security
Ministry of magic
Ministry of agriculture
Ministry of transport / development
Ministry of local(government/Council)

The Kingdom of clubs spwalls across three mountain and cave systems it is now as an underground wondering of ivy and ivary, quistels to keep the people warm during the winter, it's located in the south

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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