Fatal Night

48 18 16

We were sitting around the bonfire, in the middle of the night, having so much fan!

We were eating marshmallows filled with chocolate and fresh human blood. Alpha Don had brought a bunch of it, directly from the hospital.

Elmira started talking about how she got transformed.

«... And it was very painful. But after that I felt like the most powerful creature in the whole world. There were no more obstacles for me, no more limits. It was the most incredible night of mine», she promised. I was staring at the fire, imagining how amazing her experience should be...

I wish it was that way for me too... The night that I transformed.

«Well how about you Lialith?», she asked me. I raised my head from the fire, and I looked at her.

«What?», I asked.

«You're been so mysterious, so I thought, that your story should be interesting...», Elmira clarified. I looked at her full of pain, remembering that.

Hearing his voice in my head once again...

«STOP», I could hear him screaming... A tear fell from my right eye, I thought I was going to burst out crying.

They all kept staring at me, with curiousity...

«I'd rather not to discuss that... Maybe someone else could tell us about his experience», I announced them.

«Com' on, Lialith... It can't be that painful... Tell us...», Eric begged me. I really hate remembering that night. But I knew that they wouldn't accept no as an answer and leave me alone.

«It was a cold, night of September...», I started saying, with nostalgia.

«I used to go on a fight class every night, from 9:00 until god knows what time I wanted to go back home. I was a pretty god fighter... The of my kind. I was really enjoying what I was doing, which is the most important if we're talking about fighting. You should love it, to be good», I continued. Everyone seemed to be listening carefully to every word that got out of my mouth... Everyone was intrigued.

«I didn't know what emotions were, until... Until I met him. Dionael... Such a rare name, I know, but it was the most pretty name, I had ever heard in my life!», I kept on talking. I could talk about him for hours... Not that I was planning to do it.

«He was our new talented fighting leader. He was fighting every single one of us, wanting to know on which level our fighting skills were», I cleared. They were all staring at me again.

«It was my turn, I was the last one. He had beaten everyone else... Everyone apart from me. I was the one to beat him. He seemed to be impressed», I slightly smiled. I remembered the feeling of touching him. The feeling of being close to him...

«He was very, aggressive towards me, at the beginning. He couldn't accept losing. One day, I asked him why his behaviour was like that towards me. He explained me, and I understood... I couldn't accept defeat either», tears started coming from my eyes, but I tried hard, to not let them fall.

«We started hanging out as friends for the first part. Then, day by day, this bond, was becoming even stronger. But I never said a word about my feelings. Neither did he. We were just showing to each other what we were feeling like inside», I felt like it was happening again. Like he was here, right next to me, holding my hand.

«One night, he had asked me out. We arrived to a very romantic place with a bird's eye view... It was amazing. It was just me and him. He took my hand. And asked me, if I allowed him. I just nodded. Then he kissed me... And I reacted to that. I kissed him back. It was such a magic, moment I didn't want it stop... But after all, every happy moment has to come to an end, doesn't it? But it has... And after that happens, a sad moment is always waiting for us...», I couldn't hold my tears for no longer. I needed a moment... But I didn't ask for it... I wanted to be done with this...

«I told him, to promise me, that this would be forever... He nodded. When the sunset ended, I had to go back home. It was about a mile away, but I didn't care... I wanted to walk. To earn sometime to think about him anyway... He anyways wanted to stay there for a little more», I cried. I could remember how it all felt. His touch, his kiss, his hug... How it felt to look at his eyes, and just get lost in them...

That's all I needed right now.

«I had put on my headphones listening to some, romantic music... I was walking in the woods, all alone... Suddenly something pushed me on the ground and I fell down. It seemed faster than anything human could be. I wished it was an animal or something. That, I would be able to handle... But then I looked back at it. It's eyes were shinning in a red colour. I felt like this wasn't going to be good. It scratched and bit me multiple times. I pushed my fists into the ground full of pain. The creature got away. But, I could hear someone running towards me. I could smell his scent. It was him... Dionael», I could feel the scratches around my body and I could suddenly hear Dionael's steps coming towards me.

«He screamed out my name, when he saw me trembling on the ground. I warned him to run away, but he didn't listen. He took me in his arms, telling me, everything was going to be ok... Well...  he was wrong», I couldn't help but let all more tears, coming from my eyes. My voice was trembling. My heart was racing. I could feel him touching me, again and again. I could smell his scent all around me.

«When the pain stopped, I felt something like... Hunger. I looked at him with my now blue eyes, and he seemed scared. But he never stepped away from me. He caressed my head and then said "You're fine". But then I caught his chest and started biting him. His taste was so good, that I dared to want more...», I glanced away at the stars. He didn't deserve this, I remembered.

«I strangled him, I could hear him screaming, "STOP THAT! STOP!", but I wouldn't stop. I couldn't. Right before he let out his last breath, he said: "Forever". I then lost my senses in the middle of the woods. When I woke up, I wasn't hungry anymore... But I saw his dead body next to me. I remembered exactly what happened and started crying, up from his body. I couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore... I started whispering our song... He was always saying it fits us...», I could remember me singing this song for him whispering.

"Cause, I don't wanna lose you now, I'm looking right at the other half of me...
The vacancy that sat in my heart... Is a space that now you hold...

Show me how to fight for now... And I'll tell you babe, it was easy... Coming back to you once I figured it out you were right here all along...

It's like you're my mirror... My mirror is staring back at me..." until I couldn't keep going. I was so panicked that I was talking about this. I never actually had...

It felt relieving but, also sad. I couldn't move.

«Then I took him to the hospital. But it was too late. They couldn't do anything. I just told them, it was an animal attack. Once they announced me, that he's dead... I ran into his room and kissed him. "Forever", I replied to what he had told me, last night, and left the town. I never returned», I completed finally... I couldn't take it anymore.

Everyone was so intrigued in my story, some of them were even crying.

They, kept on telling stories about how they transformed, but, I couldn't get Dionael out of my mind. I couldn't even breathe for a little. I started panicking. I could hear him, talking to me, feel him touching me, kissing me, like everything was happening all over again...

Even the fire was like forming his face.

Suddenly, I couldn't feel anything. I fell on the ground next to the fire senseless, but I could hear the others running towards me, and calling my name.

And that's the last thing I remember before, losing my senses completely.

Heya guys!

How you doing?

I hope you're really good!

So, this is a story I'm writing for the werewolf week but if it intrigued your interest, I will write a book, based on it.

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