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Obito's Pov

Today I was going out today to meet with my friends but it was hard to pick out what to wear I finally just choose black jean pants and a white shirt I got everything I needed and went out the door I had the money but never felt like buying a car so I walked by time the day was over when I just started to walk home but I felt like someone was watching me look back and see a black figure and turn back around and run faster then a kid on Christmas can rip his or her gift open I got to my apartment door unlocked faster then everything and locked it and then I rested for a bit and then the lights when out then I dropped everything and ran to room I locked my door and put on my orange and black 9 tails onesie my student gave me a week ago he's my fav his name is naruto  I grab my flashlight and point it at the door some time went by and obito was asleep but the flashlight was still pointing at the door

Kakashi's Pov

I wait for a bit and wait for a bit I grab my kit and started to pick lock Obito's door and I finally hear a click I stop and put my tools back in the kit awww Obito's in a onesie cute I pick him up and grabbed his keys I went to his front door and looked it and left I put him in my car then I get in

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