Idea 4

6 1 0

Sickly Love
Peres on A and B are siblings. They are both elves as well. Both their parents are also dead. Person C and D are best friends. Person C is a dragon (also the dragon king/queen to their kingdom) and person D is also an elf (the king/queen of their kingdom). Person A is sick and always looks out for person B. Person B is deaf and has trouble with their surroundings so person A always steps in and helps person B. Person C and D are wandering the forest and finds person A and B's house. Person B is sitting outside sewing and panicked when they saw person C and D trespass onto their property. Person A hears yelling coming from outside and comes to see what was going on, even if they were sick. Person B is trying to get C and D off their property, causing A to grab a dagger and threaten them to leave. B knows A won't back down unless forced back inside so they forced them to lay down and then saw C's wings, causing them to examine them. D goes inside and helps person A to the best of their ability. Person A gladly takes the help. It's up to you to figure out what happens next.

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