A Shocking Awakening

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Kazuichi's POV:
I woke up, nearly at our destination, with a warm feeling in my hand and hair. I questioned what they were and slightly looked up to see Fuyuhiko was asleep hand in my hair, and another intertwined with my own. I was embarrassed, and my face heated up, did this mean we were dating? Nah.
But what about Miss. Sonia?
I mean I thought I liked her, but this feeling was tingly and comforting.

Whatever he was feeling was about to end, because the blonde was waking up!
"Mmh.." He looked up at Kazuichi who was musing over... His touch!?!
He had forgotten he had done this, and slightly yet quickly jumped.
"Sorry man.. Did I wake ya?"
"Damn right! And I don't mean that nicely."
A blush had risen on his face.
"I caught you staring.." He sighed.
"Oh! Umm.. Heh, heh..."
"It's fine..Geez..!" The shorter said hastily.

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