Where it begins

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As soon as I parked the car I was out of there, backpack slung over my shoulder as I sprinted up the mansion steps and thought the front door, kicking my shoes off right inside. Tossing my mask on the side table I headed right for the foyer steps, ignoring the people emerging from the depths of the house. I fumbled my earbuds out of my pocket, untangling them and shoving them in my ears as I reached my room, locking the door as soon as I was inside and away from the world. Music blasting my eardrums, I finally let my cold face break, tears spilling over my cheeks as I leaned against the door, sliding to the floor, backpack discarded.

It shouldn't have been this complicated; I've survived being kidnapped by devils, prevented a succubus from stealing my love and his brothers, got kidnapped by my soon to be father in law and ended his life and the war he started. Hell, I kept that same succubus from being poisoned by her generals and left her in charge of a glorious new kingdom. So why couldn't I do this? What was so hard, so different about college, that I was crumbling like a cookie under all this new pressure and responsibility? I couldn't tell, and my brain didn't want to think about it as I laid my head on my arms, suffocating the sounds of my sobs with music.

I knew the boys could hear me too, if Damien hadn't read my mind and told them already, but I couldn't give a damn at this point. Their reactions to my pitiful human emotions were the least of my concerns. My hands buried themselves in my hair, fingers gripping my scalp as it became harder and harder to breathe. I didn't care, I couldn't, it was too much. Everything was too much- the fabric on my skin, the noise in my brain, the air circulating around me

I can't do this anymore.


James and Matthew worked in the kitchen, planning that nights dinner when they heard the front door swing open and slam shut. James looked down at his younger brother then at the opening to the foyer- MC never slammed the door; it was a custom piece that couldn't easily be replaced. James tilted his head towards the door and Matthew nodded, following his older brother as they reached the foyer to see a black and blue blur run past them. Across the foyer, Erik, Damien and Sam emerged, giving them equally confusing looks as they turned their gaze towards the upper foyer stairs, watching presumably MC run down the hall and slam another door shut. James stepped into the foyer, casually moving MC's shoes to the shoe rack before turning to his brothers, confirming that it was indeed MC they saw.

"What was that about?" he crossed his arms, popping a hip like normal as the other brothers stood near him in confusion.

"I can't tell- their thoughts are scrambled to the point of gibberish." Damien frowned, looking at the ground a moment as Erik put a hand on his brothers' back.

"I felt a wave of despair pass as I finished up in my studio; perhaps Prince(ss) had a particularly poor day? Though that wouldn't make sense with this level of despair; they were fine this morning, and this level usually needs twenty four hours to breed and mature into full on despair like that." he thought out loud, biting his lip a moment.

"Maybe I should go check on them." Matthew suggested, grabbing Simon Tabby by the scruff as he ran by. "I don't think they should be alone right now."

"You know how they get when they're upset- do you want something chucked at your head again?" Sam argued. "I'm not saying they should be alone, but I don't think its safe for you to go up there. I'll go."

"Sam, you're not great with emotions, you'll only hurt them more. I will go check on them." James insisted.

"So you can take advantage, Mr. King of Kink? I don't think so." Erik stood in front of his older brother. "Let me handle the Prince(ss)."

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