Regular Life episode 46: When the multiverse collide Part 1

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Regular Life episode 46 When Multiverses collide: Part 1 (Season 4 premiere)

A collaboration with Xzxuk

Chad and Jeremy get an unexpected visit from two mysterious people who lead them and some of their friends to where they never went before.

Chapter 1: The Future

It seemed to be a normal day. Except the sky was all red, dark, purple, with multiple earths surrounding the sky.

As we looked down, we saw Jeremy looking up. He looked different, for he had been wearing some sort of armor with boots and a helmet and had a few scars.

Chad came from behind him and said; "It's gonna work."

Jeremy looked a bit worried and happy at the same time. "I hope so. I don't know what else to do if it doesn't," he said to his friend.

The duo walked in a building that had a small hole that led to the ground and down was a huge space of people. In one room, there were a few scientists, one of them came up to Jeremy.

"I believe that it's ready," the scientist said to Jeremy, as he gave him and Chad some protective suits with a helmet that would protect them from anything.

One of the lead scientists said; "Alright, fellas, this is the moment we all have been waiting for, this is the T-machine, a vehicle fast enough and can withstand friction. This is the timepad. It chooses a date and it will send you to the estimated time, since time isn't calculated specifically in the flow of time and the universe."

Jeremy looked at the timepad with a serious face. "Thank you, Dr. Yeun," he said to the scientist. "I won't let you and the people of this project fail!"

In Jeremy's head he said; "And for Claire, Ioni, Grayson and Shelby, I won't let you guys down."

Chad also had a serious face and replied "Me neither!"

The duo went inside the T-machine and closed the door. A forklift had come and picked them up, and they were placed in a big open area where they could begin their plan.

Jeremy and Chad had a headset where they could hear Dr.Yeun and they could talk to him.

Dr Yeun said to the duo; "Alright guys, press the red button for start up."

Jeremy pressed the red button.

Chad replied "Done."

"Now put on the seatbelts, type in September 3rd, 2016, after that press the green button and it should start spinning in circles, breaking a hole in time," said Dr. Yeun.

The duo did so, and it started spinning so hard that Jeremy and Chad passed out for a bit. After that, the unconscious duo were in a vortex that was pink hurdling to 2016.

The duo woke up in a corn field where the base would be a couple of years from now.

"We better get going if we wanna make this fast," said Jeremy.

Chapter 2: Encounter with themselves

In the present, in some sort of cave in Leaguegend, Jeremy and the band were getting chased by a black bear. Everyone ran and hid for cover.

"What is it with all the random bear attacks?" Chad said, while running for his life.

Everyone hid for cover but Chad kept running, and some came to a corner where the black bear was about to end his life.

Out of nowhere a hooded figure came in and stabbed the bear.

Another hooded figure came out, roped the bear's paws and started stabbing it.

Regular Life episode 46: When the multiverses collide Part 1Where stories live. Discover now