Chapter Twenty: Dogs and Dishes

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Chapter Twenty: Dogs and Dishes

"My dad's asleep, so we have to be kind of quiet." Ben said, as he let Brian and Chris inside.

Brian's bright eyes took in his surroundings, like a stone skipping across the surface of a pond, quick darting glances, over Chris' shoulders where he was hiding.

Chris couldn't believe it when Brian asked Ben as he ate his third croissant if they could go to his house. Tina had shaken her head no very convincingly. It was literally Brian's first day of school, with a date afterwards, even if it was at a quiet bakery, with the Donaldson's. The Dagger Duo were not the calmest of people, but they really tried to reign in their usual antics around Brian. Things had gone surprisingly well. But it was still an overwhelming day. Chris managed to convince Brian to wait for the weekend at least, so that Ben could send them pictures of his place and they could prep for the trip even if it was only a few blocks from the school.

But come Saturday morning, as Chris reveled in the ongoing comfort of waking up with Brian in his arms, he'd angrily discovered that Tina and Alan were going to Sean and Sam's place. They were unable to back him up today, because they had planned a date without their troublesome siblings. Which normally, whatever, no fucking problem. He could truly care less. Except for a very very very miniscule irritation deep down that they all decided to do this without even talking to Chris or Brian. Definitely a harsh flashback to childhood when Alan was invited to sleepovers or playdates and he, the troublesome brother, was left at home. In those situations he was happy to not be forced into hostile chit chat, but he was still very aware that his presence was assuredly not going to be missed.

Ben had picked them up in his car, and drove them the ten minutes to his house. The former quarterback was bemusedly on board with the day's agenda, doing nothing but hanging out at his place. Chris was surprised at how quiet Ben was at the cafe, when normally he spent his down time with the ever annoying football team, whose raucous antics were legendary on the island. Surprised when Ben had treated Brian's frequently personal questions seriously, not blowing him off, although his face conveyed his discomfort more than once. Surprised at how interested in Ben Brian was.


"Why do you even want to go to his house?" Chris had asked Friday night. They were in Brian's bed, in the dark, listening to the wind blow like crazy around the house. It was still a wonder, to feel this boy's body against him, to push him down on the mattress until Brian carried almost all of Chris' weight. He knew his boyfriend loved the pressure, and it was actually a therapeutic tool. Like a weighted blanket, feeling Chris on top of Brian was soothing, reassuring. His dad's videos had lots of good ideas like that.

Not that his dad's videos suggested that rubbing their dicks against each other was a good therapy, but fuck if it wasn't good for Chris. And Brian. At least he assumed so, since his boyfriend panted in his ears as he did it, back arching off the bed, his nails marking Chris' bare back.

After dry humping like bunnies, cumming multiple times, they lay back in bed as the storm progressed in volume. Chris littered kisses along Brian's sweaty hairline, as Brian used wet wipes to clean himself up, handing Chris the box after he was done. Tossing the sticky wipes into the trash, Brian wedged himself in between Chris' arms, their legs twisted together. And for once talked instead of just lying quietly before they slept.

"I feel bad for him. He makes me think of me, when I told people I was gay. They were mean. Really mean. I didn't understand why. I still don't. What does it matter who you fuck? Why do they care? Not that Ben fucks guys. I think he's a virgin. Don't you? Do you think he wants to fuck Alan? Cause I kind of do. But he can't. Alan says there really aren't any other open gay guys at school but us. I have you. Alan has Sean. So he has no friend who might be his boyfriend. He must be lonely. That's sad. I don't think he should be sad. We can't fuck him, but maybe we can be his friend. Since his other friends are mean boys. We can be his new friends. Maybe his BFF's."

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