Traitor One, two, three.

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A/N: Not on any set timeline. Dream is in prison with high surveillance and Ranboo is more of a loner. Platonic husbands is a thing but they aren't close, Michael the zomlin exists but is untouched by everything and isn't even mentioned. Ranboo has all three of his lives.

One draft, unedited and won't be touched again anytime soon.

HC: Dream's vision has been messed up by being so close to the lava and he can only see silhouettes and scars.

Warnings: cursing, violence, character death.


The lava had fallen so that Dream could see two familiar figures across the way, prepping the bridge for travel. Quackity turned to look at him through the hot haze the lava emitted, and Dream could only tell it was him from the axe scar slashed across his face, twisting angrily as Quackity snarled. Sam moved away, his four creeper hooves quiet despite their weight, and his upper arms crossed authoritatively until he had to use them on the switches.

Quackity stepped forward onto the bridge, his face still set in a snarl, then the scar started approaching. The onyx barrier rose, but Dream knew by now not to challenge it after the renovations Sam had made to his cell, it had started to physically hurt him to cross it and he wasn't sure why. He backed all the way to the corner of his cell, beside the toilet, growling loudly in an attempt to frighten Quackity, not that it had ever worked before, but always worth a shot.

"Little dehumanising to yourself, don't you think?" Quackity asked loudly in response. Dream stopped and the only sound was the lava bubbling around and below them. Quackity kept approaching, then the bridge stopped, stepping off and touching foot to the square donut surrounding Dream's cell. "Don't worry; I'm not here to hurt you today," he laughed, watching Dream's careful facial expressions. He always paid so much attention to one side of his face, where his scar is, and Quackity didn't know why it fascinated him so much, but telling him to not stare never seemed to do anything, so he gave up. His hand reached down to his pants pocket and before Dream could react, something was thrown to his feet. "Put that on."

"What is it?" Dream asked lowly. When he didn't receive an answer, he bent down to grab what felt like some sort of headset. He examined it further and found the correct way to put it on, but just held it instead. "Why'd you bring me a headset?"

"Do you want to be included or not? I'm wearing one, too. It won't hurt you." It sounded like Quackity might have rolled his eyes afterward, his tone patronising, but Dream didn't bother arguing.

"Included in what? What's going on?" He turned back toward Quackity. "Is this a trick?"

"It's not a trick," Sam said into the intercom attached to the top of Dream's cell, where he couldn't reach. "There's a little event going on and we thought you might want to be included however you could."

Hesitantly, Dream put the device on his head. "There's no mic, can anyone hear me?"

"No," Sam said bluntly before the intercom fizzled out.

"Just us," Quackity confirmed. "The live feed will start in a minute, and a picture will be projected."

"Live feed for what?" Dream asked. "What's the event?"

"So many questions. Just wait until it starts," Quackity sighed, annoyed, then he ducked down behind the barrier and Dream lost sight of him, not wanting to get close. The lava also came down, surrounding them in it's glow, and allowing no room for escape. It was darker now, too, setting some perfect ambience for the feed.

The lava popped and sizzled on the obsidian as they waited in silence, until there were suddenly dozens of voices being put into their ears. Dream nearly threw his headset, but waited instead until it all calmed down. He didn't know if the picture Quackity mentioned had started or not, but as long as he could hear them it would be fine. If the picture had started, at least, he now knew he couldn't see their scars through means other than them being right in front of him.

Traitor One, Two, Three... (DreamSMP)Where stories live. Discover now